Project factsheets
Strategic workforce planning (SWP) for the ports of Strasbourg and Kehl
Unlike traditional SWP exercises carried out by companies, this SWP
is territorial in scope and therefore incorporates the combined issues
concerning companies and professional sectors (human resources),
employees (career paths) and territories (economic changes). As a
result, it constitutes a process carried out in partnership by the territory’s
economic and employment players: institutions of local government,
consular chambers, social partners, companies, public employment
services and training bodies, etc.
But it is also a cross-border process,
which is a reflection of the emergence of shared economic issues
on both sides of the Rhine and the inclusion of the economic fabric
and employment area of the Strasbourg-Ortenau Eurodistrict in
the current exercise.
The objectives of the cross-border SWP
reflect this multiplicity of issues and
- to provide an overview of the cross-border territory in terms
of jobs and skills, both at the present time and over the short,
medium and long term
- to help companies to have greater awareness of their own
development issues
- to pool the jobs and skills of sister companies
- to anticipate skills needs so as to better orient training paths
- to draw up in a partnership-based and coordinated manner an
action plan to respond to the changes in the territory.
“Port du Rhin”, Strasbourg-Kehl port area
© Jean Isenmann, ADEUS