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Practical guide : promoting projects

The “interested organisation”

form used by the 2 Seas

programme. interested-organisation-28-07-2014/fr

 To attract more businesses,

preference should be given to

ongoing project submission


rather than calls

for project proposals that take

place once or twice during a

seven-year programming period.

Project appraisal periods

should be shortened

to fit in

with businesses’ calendars. It

is also important to help project

developers to draft their grant

requests, an exercise that often

requires technical knowledge

that few economic players have.

The role of coordination and

support of the Joint Technical

Secretariats (JTSs) is essential.

The project selection

process should also be


compared with the

2007-2013 period. External

experts should be used to

assess the quality of project


E x a m p l e :

In the

Science Offensive

initiative of the 2007-2013

Upper Rhine programme

, a

group of 30 scientists evaluated

the research projects submitted.

The selection committee’s decision

was therefore based on technical

arguments relating to the expected

outcome of the projects.


The JTSs should give

specific support to private-

sector players

during the

project execution phase,

because often these project

developers may devote fewer

resources to the administrative

management of their projects.

It is useful for example to

support the developers in using

management software (Synergie

CTE), to draft intermediate and

final progress reports, etc.

Payment periods should be

significantly reduced

at project

closure compared with the

2007-2013 period.






Developing other sources of funding for

cross-border economic development

INTERREG programmes are potentially the most important source of public funding for

cross‑border economic development projects. However, sources of funding should also be diversified,

particularly because INTERREG programmes are not suited to all types of projects.

 It is important to increase

project subsidies from local

and regional authorities or

cross-border structures.

E x a m p l e :

The Aquitaine-Euskadi


conducts an annual

call for project proposals. The

eligible fields change every year;

for example in 2012 and 2013,

research and technological

innovation were eligible. Though

the amount granted is smaller

than amounts available through

INTERREG programmes, it helps to

finance smaller projects or to launch

projects by providing seed funding.

http://www.aquitaine-euskadi. eu/appel-a-projects -aquitaine- euskadi-2013.html

 Another way is to


financial engineering for

cross-border projects,


as private or public investment

funds or working capital.

Under certain conditions,

these funds may be financed

by the European Regional

Development Fund (ERDF):

on this topic see the “Vade-

mecum pour la mise en œuvre

d’instruments d’ingénierie

financière cofinancés par

les fonds européens (2014-

2020)” (Vade-mecum for the

implementation of financial

engineering instruments co-

financed by European funds)

published by France’s General

Commission for Territorial

Equality. php/accueil/actualites-meu/203- vade-mecum-pour-la-mise-en- oeuvre-d-instruments-d-ingenierie- financiere-cofinances-par-les-fonds- europeens-2014-2020

E x a m p l e :


is the first cross-border

venture capital fund, set up in 1991

at the joint initiative of the European

Union and private French, Belgian

and Luxembourg shareholders in

the Longwy European Development

Pole (PED) area, which has been

undergoing regeneration. It is not

designed for a particular sector of

activity; the criteria determining

companies’ eligibility for this

funding are based mainly on the

(existing or potential) cross-

border nature and viability of their

development project.