Exchanges with the European Committee of the Regions and the EGTC Platform
The MOT works in close collaboration with the European Committee of the Regions:
Declaration of common interest
A declaration of common interest was signed by the two organisations in January 2011.
Organization of events
In 2017 :
- Co-organisation of a conference on "Cross-border crisis management and natural disasters" on 03 February 2017. More info
- Hosting of the MOT's 20th anniversary conference, on 30 November and 1 December 2017, with the participation of Karl-Heinz Lambertz, CoR President. More info
See also the events organized in the context of the European Week of Cities and Regions below.
Interregional group “Cross-border cooperation and EGTC" of the european Committee of the Regions
On 7 July 2015 at the 161st meeting of its Bureau, on the initiative of Pavel Branda, the CoR set up an interregional group devoted to cross-border cooperation and EGTC, whose aim is to influence European policy in this area, to share experiences and to contribute to discussions on the future of cohesion policy. The MOT's President, Michel Delebarre is member of the group. More info
Meeting on 10 October 2018
The meeting on 10 May 2018 treated the common position of the European Committee of the Regions towards the proposals for the regulations “European Territorial Cooperation” and “Cross-border mechanism”, in preparation of the next COTER commission.
Meeting on 17 May 2018
The meeting on 17 May 2018 treated the new financial framework’ propositions about the support funds for cross-border projects. It presented also the MOT activities and its position about the future cohesion policy, as well as those of the ARFE.
Meeting on 1st February 2018
This meeting focused on the opinion of the REGI Commission about the “people to people” projects. It approached also the works of the European Committee of the Regions concerning the European Commission “Boosting growth and cohesion in EU border regions” Communication.
Meeting on 1st December 2017
The meeting on 1st December 2017 approached the preparation of the “Boosting growth and cohesion in EU border regions” initiative, as well as the cross-border cooperation in the post 2020 policy cohesion.
Meeting on 13 July 2017
The meeting on 13 July 2017 addressed the views on micro-projects funds as well as the initiative of young Interreg volunteers followed by the ARFE.
Meeting on 23 March 2017
The meeting on 23 March 2017 treated the views about micro-projects funds in cross-border programs, and permitted to think about the future of post 2020 policy cohesion.
Meeting on 08 December 2016
The meeting on 8 December 2016 approached the conference on cross-border crisis management, co-organized by the MOT in February 2017. It treated also the cross-border cooperation in the debate about the future post 2020’ cohesion policy.

Meeting on 16 June 2016
The meeting on 16 June 2016 treated two opinions, the first on “Tourism as a driving force for regional cooperation across the EU”, or the second on “Simplification of the ESIF from a perspective of Local and Regional Authorities”. More info

Meeting on 11 February 2016
Among the topics treated during the meeting on 11 February figure the “Territorial impact analyses” and the need to take into account cross-border territories and issues, or the coordination between the group and the EGTC Platform. The meeting allowed also to present MOT activities. MOT was represented by Michel Delebarre and Jean Peyrony. More info

Meeting on 12 October 2015
Following the setting up of the interregional group, the first meeting was hold on 12 October 2015 in the context of the Plenary Session of the Committee of the Regions. The last one allowed the adoption of the opinion on “Strengthening cross-border cooperation: the need for a regulatory framework”. Michel Delebarre, president of MOT, member of the group, is at the origin of several amendments. More info
EGTC Platform and European Week of Cities and Regions
The MOT participates actively in events organised by the EGTC Platform of the Committee of the Regions. The MOT, also in connection with the CECICN, regularly organises one or two workshops at the European Week of Cities and Regions (EWCR).
Monitoring the revision of the EU Regulation on the EGTC
The MOT was designated expert for the drafting of the Opinion of the Committee of the Regions on the revision of the EGTC Regulation (presented by Michel Delebarre). It was adopted on 5 December 2011.
Further information on the revision of the EGTC Regulation.
Position papers
The MOT network, as well as the CECICN, regurarly participate in the consultations of the Committee of the Regions, in order to take into account cross-border territories. Further information on the European position papers of MOT (and CECICN).