3rd Borders Forum "What if we DARED to make a Cross-border deal?"
More than 300 participants met on December 2nd and 3rd at the Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris for the Bor-ders Forum, organised under the patronage of French President Emmanuel Macron by the MOT.
The aim was to present a "Cross-border deal" to national and European decision-makers that takes better account of cross-border living areas in public policies, resolves the "blockages" at borders that affect the daily lives of almost 30% of the European population, and restores confidence in Europe.
To this end, on the morning of December 3rd, participants from a wide range of countries split up into ten thematic workshops to discuss and build this ‘Cross-border deal’ together. It consists of concrete proposals which were presented in a closing session to representatives of national and European institutions.
Our warmest thanks to all the participants, all the speakers and our partners:
European Commission
ESPON Program
French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs
Centre national de la fonction publique territoriale (CNFPT)
Borders in Globalization (University of Victoria)
Copyright photos : "MOT / Emilie Gomez"