
The MOT, responses appropriate to each level

The MOT’s role is to assist project developers, to promote the interests of cross-border territories and to facilitate the networking of players and the sharing of experiences. It acts as the interface between the different stakeholders in order to find cross-border solutions at the right levels.


The MOT supports cross-border territories and players involved in cooperation in their projects1.
The MOT enables networking among players and facilitates the sharing of experiences between territories2.
The MOT identifies obstacles and looks for solutions at right levels3.

National level

The MOT provides support at national level in order that better account is taken of cross-border territories in public policy.
It is in constant contact with French government ministers, the CGET (General Commission for Territorial Equality), the Caisse des Dépôts and French Parliament to ensure that the cross-border dimension is taken into account in legislation and policies.
The MOT provides support on each border to the coordination between neighbouring countries: resolution of legal obstacles, cross-border statistical observation, etc.

european level

Alone or with other European networks, the MOT:
- supports networking between crossborder territories at European level;
- works for better recognition of these territories in European policy;
- assists the European institutions in their actions on cross-border issues;
- facilitates cooperation between European governments on cross-border issues;
- helps to disseminate good practices across Europe and elsewhere in the world.

  1. Its assistance can relate to territorial assessments, the drawing-up of strategies, legal and economic studies, project management support, the design of cross-border structures, etc. in diverse areas: transport, spatial planning, governance, healthcare, employment and training, economic development, innovation, the environment, energy, culture, etc.

  2. It organises seminars, conferences, and provides a technicians’ platform (reserved for members), a newsletter, a resource centre, a legal database (reserved for members), and a documentation portal (reserved for members).

  3. An online forum (under construction) enables members to exchange directly with one another, seek out similar experiences and bottom-up feed back regarding their needs.