
Gorizia-Nova Gorica

Objectives and actions taken by the “GO” EGTC

The members of the “GO” EGTC have adopted common cooperation objectives and strategies for the development of their cross-border territory. These objectives are focused around six interlinked fields:

  • Managing the construction and modernisation of transport and logistics infrastructure
  • Coordinating the circulation of public transport with joint management of transport services
  • Managing intermodal logistics structures in the metropolitan region
  • Managing and harnessing local environmental and energy resources
  • Formulating a metropolitan plan for energy
  • Formulating plans for joint measures in other sectors, with the aim of reinforcing economic and social cohesion

In order to achieve these goals, the EGTC is particating in the “SEAL DEAL” project, launched by the North-East Romania Regional Development Agency along with seven other organisations. Project aims include the implementation of a common methodology for the improvement of energy efficiency at the local and regional levels in the territories concerned. Through this project, the EGTC is working towards the production of 21 action plans, notably on the development of renewable energies.