PITEM RISK – Résilience, Information, Sensibilisation et Communication à l’égard des Citoyens

PITEM RISK – Résilience, Information, Sensibilisation et Communication à l’égard des Citoyens
Countries: France, Italy
Border(s): France Italy Monaco,
European programme(s):
Interreg VA France-Italy (ALCOTRA)
- Climate change, risk management and prevention
- Natural and rural areas

Lead partner: Aosta Valley Region (Italy)

ALCOTRA’s territory is subject to numerous risks. Some of them ignore borders (natural risks), some others are susceptible to be replicated on both sides of the border or to request a joint intervention (industrial, urban and technological risks). These specifics risks need an enforced cross-border cooperation. The gravity and scarcity of these events make it necessary to develop new instruments allowing the facilitation of practices and knowledge integrations in natural risk prevention sector and crisis management. This PITEM aims to enhance cross-border cooperation to better prevent and manage the risks that are specific to the Alpine territory.


  • Provence Alpes Côte d’Azur Region and BRGM (France)
  • SDIS Savoie (France)
  • Conseil Départemental Hautes-Alpes and SDIS 05 (France)
  • Conseil Départemental Alpes de Hautes-Provence and SDIS 04 (France)
  • Métropole de Nice Côte d’Azur (France)
  • Aosta Valley Region (Italy)
  • Piedmont Region (Italy)
  • Metropolitan City of Turin (Italy)
  • Liguria Region (Italy)
  • CIMA Research Foundation (Italy)

Project goals

  • Development of an information and communication strategy with the public (alert and information) and between the parties involved in the resolution of the crisis (operational and managerial).
  • Development of tools for analysis, feedback and planning.
  • Training and operational preparation of the actors.
  • Interactivity with the public in a crisis situation.

Project activities

The PITEM RISK is composed of four simple project :

  • RISK-COM : Increase ALCOTRA’s territory resilience through actions of information toward population, institutions and economical actors.
  • RISK-GEST : Deal with the challenges linked to the exposure of populations to natural risk on ALCOTRA’s territory (flooding, landslide, avalanche and fire). The project purposes to develop prevention, protection and preparation to risk management, integrating approaches of  qualified institutions at cross-border level.
  • RISK-FOR : Form primary stakeholders to face risks of every kind of type susceptible to happen on ALCOTRA’s territory.
  • RISK-ACT : Benchmarking on landslide modeling tools, and experience feedback with actors (Pas de l'Ours landslide).

More info

Project duration

03/10/2018 - 02/10/2022

Total cost

7,6 M€