EHUBAQ : le campus eurorégional Bordeaux – Pays basque espagnol

Countries: France, Spain
Border(s): France-Spain-Andorra,
Nouvelle Aquitaine-Euskadi-Navarre Euroregion,
European programme:
Interreg V B Sudoe 2014-2020
- Education, training and languages
- Research and innovation
- Coopération universitaire

Lead partner: Bordeaux University ; Basque Country university ; Aquitaine Region ; Autonomous Community of Basque Country ; Aquitaine - Euskadi Euroregion

On the Aquitaine - Euskadi Euroregion territory, the University of Bordeaux and the Basque campus Euskampus (UPV/EHU, Tecnalia, DIP) lead since 2011 a cross-border projet in academic cooperation. In 2010-2011, in France and Spain, some "International Campus of Excellence" (Idex Bordeaux and Euskampu), led by both universities, strengthened their strategic alliance. Both universities are though involved into the creation of a cross-border campus in november 2014. The eurocampus development plan concerns more than 100,000 students and 18,000 researchers with a strong impact on the economic development of the euroregion. The campus is structured with the two university poles in France and in the Basque Country.


  • Bordeaux University - Idex Bordeaux (France)
  • Basque Campus Euskampus (Spain)
  • Aquitaine Region  (France)
  • Autonomous Community of Basque Country (Spain)
  • Aquitaine – Euskadi Euroregion (France-Spain)

Project goals

  • To create a collective academic program (dual degrees, thesis, etc.)
  • To help mobility for the campus students, professors and researchers
  • To promote R&D&I actions, to encourage collective actions in evaluation and international knowledge transfers
  • To promote the campus worlwide



Project activities

2010: Official implementation of the strategic alliance with the signing of a specific cooperation agreement to set up a cross-border campus.

2011: Defining the general approach for constructing the Euroregional Campus.
 Defining the government structure and establishing the consolidated Euskampus/IdeX Bordeaux mixed operation.

January-June 2012: Setting up a post to foster entrepreneurship among students with 50% dedication to cross-border dynamics and that will actively collaborate with the Euskampus Fundazioa.

January 2013: Euro-regional professional centre:  recruiting the first PhD students in specific tasks to be shared on the two campuses (e.g.: study for setting up Clusters of Excellence).

June 2014: Creating a research and sharing knowledge area.n Promoting bilateral academic initiative.

f creating a shared space for training, research and transfer of knowledge that is configured as a key asset for the consolidation of Aquitaine-Euskadi as a knowledge-based Euroregion as well as for its international projection. - See more at:

f creating a shared space for training, research and transfer of knowledge that is configured as a key asset for the consolidation of Aquitaine-Euskadi as a knowledge-based Euroregion as well as for its international projection. - See more at:

 2012-2015 : Creating a plan of  strategic action : programmes, excellence, sharing knowledge.