
EP resolution on the new cohesion policy

April 2024

EP resolution on the new cohesion policy

In a resolution of March14th, 2024, MEPs assess the previous period and identify new priorities:
•    Overall cohesion budget should be increased and special resources should be devoted to disadvantaged regions.
•    All regions should be eligible for cohesion funding and receive targeted help.
•    Commission should assess the impact of enlargement and link cohesion with the rule of law.

Note on EGTCs:
"80.  Highlights the added value of territorial cooperation in general and cross-border cooperation in particular; calls for the budget for European Territorial Cooperation programmes to be increased, as they provide a unique framework for interregional, cross-border and transnational cooperation and help address common challenges, fostering partnerships and promoting economic development, social cohesion and environmental sustainability; suggests that the ‘borderland billion’ be entrusted directly to the European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation, which is to be tasked with its independent management and distribution among projects".

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