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ReCMA Conference: "Regional cooperation in maritime areas"

This conference draws on the specific example of Brexit as a territorial transition that has had significant effects on cooperation in the English Channel space, and more precisely in the Strait of Dover. From this specific example, the conference widens the analysis and introduces a comparative approach with other regional cooperation initiatives in maritime areas: Mediterranean Sea, North Sea, the Atlantic Ocean.
Organised by Université de Lille, Laboratoire Territoires, Villes, Environnement & Société (TVES) and I-SITE Université Lille Nord-Europe, in collaboration with the Mission Opérationnelle Transfrontalière.
Three main axes that will be addressed are:
- The specific situation of straits, as hybrid maritime-terrestrial spaces of cooperation but also as areas bearing their own challenges due to social and geographical proximity. Cooperation may involve spatial and urban planning initiatives.
- The governance of maritime areas involving multi-level public or private local, national, or supranational agents.
- Regional, transnational, and cross-border cooperation initiatives in the field of culture.
The MOT is organising two round tables :
- "How can we strengthen land-sea cooperation between European neighbours? What is the right scale for action?"
- "Green and blue transition: towards maritime crossborder functional areas?"
Join us to discuss these pressing issues regarding the planning and management of maritime spaces!