Project: The integrated economic development of cross-border territories
This project, led by MOT since January 2014, and funded as part of the national technical assistance programme Europ’Act, aims at constructing a state of play, and supporting the stimulation of partnerships and economic development projects on French borders.
the three phases of the project:
- Phase 1: DIAGNOSIS (January - August 2014)
The first phase aimed at drafting an overview of the economic development in a cross-border context, and therefore providing cross-border cooperation players with a better knowledge of the issues on this matter. - Phases 2 and 3: JOINT ELABORATION AND FINALISATION OF INSTRUMENTS
(Sept. 2014 - November 2015)
The objective is to produce methodological tools dedicated to stakeholders.
Final conference in Paris on 30th September 2015
The final conference brought together 180 people in Paris on 30th September 2015 in Paris. It was the occasion to present the work done, the final outputs and discuss the issue around innovative cross-border projects.
Press release
- Tandem
- Seed4Start
- Interregional Council of the Chambers of Trades of the Greater Region (CICM)
- Framework agreement on cooperation regarding French-German job-seeker placement
- Cross-Border Project Cafés
- Strategic workforce planning (SWP) for the ports of Strasbourg and Kehl
- MinnovARC and InnovARC
- Bihartean and Euro 3
- Cross-border Euroregional strategies for economic development and innovation
- TTC “Top Technology Cluster” and GCS “Crossborder Cluster Stimulation”

To initiate discussion on this topic of the economic development of cross-border territories, the Mission Opérationnelle Transfrontalière organised a European conference which took place on 15 April 2014 in Paris, attended by more than 150 persons. It was the occasion to launch the project.
Press release
Some photos of the conference