Specificity of the territory project
Border towns sharing a continuous urban fabric, integrated within a territory project
Due to the absence of a physical border between the two towns, Tornio and Haparanda have been developing their cooperation from day to day for many years. This cooperation first involved the improvement and the mutualisation of public services and facilities. This proactive approach has enabled the transformation of the two towns into a real cross-border conurbation.
Networking of cross-border conurbations at the European level
Between 2004 and 2006, Tornio and Haparanda participated in the project "City Twins Co-operation Network," bringing together ten towns and cities separated by international borders, and co-financed the Interreg IIIC programme. Its goal was to promote exchanges of good practice in areas including local administration, education, culture, social affairs, economic development and cross-border cooperation. “Tornio-Haparanda” constituted a perfect example for many other border towns and cities participating in this network.