Practical Guides

Cross-border economic development: Introduction - Practical guide

In the framework of a EU project, the MOT published two handbooks aimed at project developers and stakeholders involved in cross-border economic development.
Conducted in the framework of the Europ’Act technical assistance programme
September 2015

Building Legal Provisions to Overcome Obstacles to Cross-border Cooperation

The second component of the work (see previous publication) conducted by MOT within the framework of the Luxembourg's presidency of the EU Council, provides an analysis of the creation of a legal tool that would be governed by a European regulation.
September 2015

Cross-border cooperation: Obstacles to overcome

In the framework of its presidency of the EU Council in the second half of 2015, the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg placed the clearing of obstacles to cross-border cooperation at the centre of its priorities. A member of the MOT, the Grand-Duchy commissioned it to produce an analysis of the legal obstacles preventing or threatening the implementation of cross-border projects, along with potential solutions that might involve the introduction of a new European legal instrument.
May 2015

Methodological Guidebook : Articulate cohesion policy, governance structures and cross-border territorial approaches

Conducted in the framework of the Europ’Act technical assistance programme
November 2012


Guide de la coopération transfrontalière - Groupement européen de coopération territoriale (GECT) - Vade-mecum

Mission Opérationnelle Transfrontalière, Ministère des Affaires étrangères et européennes (Délégation pour l'action extérieure des collectivités locales)
French only

Guide des projets transfrontaliers : Guide opérationnel et financier à l'attention des porteurs de projets

Mission Opérationnelle Transfrontalière, Caisse des Dépôts
Janvier 2010
French only


The Manifesto for Cross-border Cooperation in Europe

The Manifesto puts forward concrete recommendations for advancing cross-border cooperation in Europe, produced by the 12 thematic workshops of the Lille European conference "Cross-border territories: day-to-day Europe" (8 and 9 November 2007), on: Cross-border territories, Cross-border conurbations, Cross-border rural and natural territories, Maritime cooperation, Economic development, Employment and training, Health, Environment, Public transport, Culture and territorial integration, Legal instruments of cooperation, Training in cross-border professions.



Mission Opérationnelle Transfrontalière, Council of Europe