First thematic seminar of the EGTC URBACT Project
Cross-border conurbations: Empowering internal governance
12 March 2009 in Chaves (Portugal)

More than 100 participants met in Chaves, Portugal, on 12 March 2009 for the first thematic seminar of the "EGTC" ("Expertising Governance for Transfrontier Conurbations") URBACT project, organized by the MOT and one of the six partner conurbations1 of the project: Eurocidade Chaves-Verín.
Welcomed by the mayor of Chaves, João Gonçalves Batista, and the mayor of Verín, Juan Manuel Jimenez, the participants discussed the means of strengthening the internal governance of cross-border conurbations. Other public figures present included the Portuguese secretary of state for regional development, Rui Nuno Baleiras, the President of the Diputación de Ourense, José Luis Baltar, and elected representatives of the Frankfurt (Oder)/Slubice cross-border conurbation.
Press release
Further information
Eurométropole "Lille-Kortrijk-Tournai" (FR/BE), Francfort sur l'Oder/Slubice (DE/PL), Eurocidade Chaves-Verín (PT/ES), GECT Ister-Granum (HU/SVK), Eurodistrict Strasbourg-Ortenau (FR/DE), Eurodistrict trinational de Bâle (CH/FR/DE).