First Congress on Smart Cooperation
CECICN European Congress, 25-26 June 2012 in A Coruña, Spain

Nearly 400 participants met on 25 and 26 June 2012 at La Coruña in Spain at the "1st Congress on Smart Cooperation: Territorial Cooperation fostering European integration: Cities and Regions linking across borders”, organised by the CECICN.
The objectif of the Congress was to place the European territorial cooperation at the heart of the debate on the EU 2020 strategy, the revival of single market and cohesion policy.
The press release
The strategic document CECICN/AEBR
The conference website
Only for Members:
Workshop 6 "Tools for cooperation", coordinated by MOT:
- Presentations: en
- Minutes: fr
Presentation of the strategic document CECICN/AEBR: en
Presentation of the parallel session "Multilevel governance of cross-border cooperation": en
Workshops and parallel sessions' conclusions: en