European Week of Regions and Cities - MOT/CoR workshop on Cross-border investments

Workshop title: "Cross-border investments: Potential, achievements and challenges"
Date: 11 October 2016 - 14:30-17:00
Main organiser: Committee of the Regions - COTER Commission
Venue: Committee of the Regions, Jacques Delors, Room 52
Code: INV11C18
Workshop programme
The presentations
The minutes [FR]
More info on the EWRC website
Round Table "Financial planning and governance of cross-border projects: what specificities?"
- The expansion of the Strasbourg tramway to Kehl
- Investment potential in developing transports in Gorizia
- Top Technology Cluster, exemplary project of economic development and innovation over a cross-border area
- Investment in cross-border areas : What national policies? What financial tools?
- What European policies?
(More info in the presentations)
Description of the Workshop
Cross-border territories have potential to implement investments under the umbrella of the European Investment Plan, supported by the European Investment Bank and national promotional banks.
What kind of investment projects can emerge from cross-border cooperation? How can the Juncker Plan, European and national investment policies together with private sector fund them ? Which tools and which governance models can be used?
This workshop will examine examples of investment projects (transport, territorial development), specific tools (investment advisory hubs) and the governance structures (including the EGTC) that could be used for cross-border projects.
Target audience:
- EU, national, regional and local policy/decision makers
- Authorities managing and evaluating cohesion policy programmes and projects
- Other stakeholders: private companies, financial institutions, European and national associations
- Academics, students and researchers