Cross-border crisis management and natural disasters
Conference organised by the Committee of the Regions and the MOT
3 February 2017 in Brussels
The presentations
- General presentations:
- Presentation from the MOT : A multilevel approach of cross-border obstacles: the case of civil security
- Presentation from the DG Regio : Cross-Border Crisis Management in Interreg A programmes
- Presentation from the United Nations and Cross-Border Measures for Disaster Risk Reduction : Cross-border crisis management and natural disasters
- Presentation of the examples of good practice:
- Forest fires (ES-PT)
- STIPP Système Transfrontalier d’Information pour la Prévention dans les Pyrénées (FR-ES) (in French)
- Risques sismiques dans les Alpes (FR-IT-CH) (in Italian)
- EGTC Euregio Senza Confini (IT-AT)