Climate change, risk management and prevention
Examples of projects
- Strategies and action plans for adaptation to climate change:
- Towards a France-Vaud-Geneva territorial plan for Climate and Energy (France-Switzerland)
- Climate Plan for the Espace Mont Blanc (France-Italy-Switzerland)
- Production of knowledge bases and strengthening of monitoring capacity:
- The G²AME platform (Cross-border monitoring of air pollution in the Greater Geneva)
- Crisis Management (Risks related to transport of dangerous goods) (France-Belgium)
- RISE (Integrated networks for seismic monitoring and exchange) (France-Italy)
- Pyrenean Climate Change Observatory (France-Spain)
- Radar du Nord (France-Belgium)
- Management of natural hazards:
- Rives (management of natural hazards on a mountain territory) (France-Italy)
- Cristal (rainfall monitoring and flood forecasting) (France-Italy)
- Prevention of flooding in the basins of the Chiers, the Messancy and the Ton (France-Belgium)
- TIMIS flood (France, Germany and Luxembourg)
- Management of Technological Risks:
- Creation of a cross-border commission within the Permanent Secretariat for the prevention of industrial pollution in the Strasbourg conurbation (S3PI) (France-Germany)
- Prevention of cross-border forest fires in the Albères and Cape Creus (France-Spain)
- Risks prevention and management of marine pollution (France-United Kingdom)
- Exchange of good practice and awareness-raising among citizens:
- Licco (Living with coastal climate change) (France-United Kingdom)
- Fluxpyr (France-Spain)
Photo : Espace Mont Blanc / Ph. Andrea ALBORNO