Projets emblématiques
Urban development projects: "On the border"
One of the most tangible results of cooperation between Tornio and Haparanda is without doubt the development of a new district straddling the border. Launched in 1995 with an architectural competition, construction began in 2005. This district includes housing and commercial space. In 2006, the Swedish company IKEA opened a new outlet in the district and was rapidly followed by other companies, creating around 1500 jobs in total. This project has also made possible the involvement of actors at the regional and national levels, whose powers cover spatial and urban planning.
Projects in education
Haparanda is home to a school group made up of a primary and a secondary school whose pupils come from both towns. The pupils learn a second language – that of the neighbour – from their first year in primary school.
At university level, the goal is to create a cross-border hub for research and education, through the development of a common course offering and the setting up of exchanges (of personnel and students) between institutions.