



After 1990, cooperation became more permanent with the mutualisation of certain services (household waste treatment, a common wastewater treatment plant, public transport...). In 1991, the two towns signed a political agreement on cooperation and proclaimed themselves the Eurocity Guben/Gubin.

Cooperation between the two towns took a new step forward with the adoption in 1998 of the strategic document “Conception for the Eurocity Guben-Gubin”. The basic principle of this strategy is to develop the two towns in accordance with the pre-1939 architectural traditions. This document was accepted in 2001 during a joint session between the two municipal councils.

The towns also participate in the Euroregion Spree-Neisse-Bober, which coordinates projects in various fields (the economy, tourism, the environment, culture, communication...). In 2001, they drafted a “Charter for the future of the Twin Cities” leading up to the year 2030, and established common strategies for urban development, culture, heritage and economic development.

The removal of customs controls in 2007 following Poland’s entry into the Schengen Area allowed Guben and Gubin to start implementing a joint restructuring of their urban territory through cross-border planning policy.