
Gorizia-Nova Gorica

The system of governance

With the creation of the EGTC, the three municipalities have adopted a system of common governance, composed of three main bodies:

The Assembly

The assembly plays a central role as the sovereign body of cooperation: it examines, approves and passes decisions. It is composed of seven representatives of Gorizia municipality (IT), five from Nova Gorica municipality (SI) and two from Šempeter–Vrtojba (SI), all of whom are elected for a period of four years. Presided by the president and vice-president, the assembly meets at least twice every year. Its powers include the election of the president, the vice president, and the steering committee, the definition of common strategic orientations, approval of the budget, revenue and accounts, decisions on any statute changes.

The Director

The director takes care of the technical management of the EGTC. Duties of the director include the formulation of policy directions, management of the EGTC’s activities, planning of projects and ensuring the conformity of projects with EU objectives. The director is appointed by the assembly for a period of four years ad is assisted by a secretary.

The President

The president is the legal representative of the EGTC and coordinates work with the Assembly. The president and vice-president are elected for two years and are of different nationalities. The positions are occupied alternately by either a Slovenian or an Italian representative.

These three administrative organs are supported by two permanent sectoral commissions that work on transport and energy. The members of these commissions are appointed by the assembly.

An accounts commission, whose members are appointed for four years, identify legal obstacles to cooperation linked to the differences between the Italian and Slovenian legislations.