Frankfurt (Oder)–Słubice
The system of governance
In order to respond to the challenges of governance posed by the conurbation, Frankfurt and Słubice committed to a process of pooling of competences. In 2004, the towns produced a programme for cooperation and the joint development of a European City. They then participated in the “City Twins Cooperation Network”, within the framework of Interreg IIIC, with four other cross-border conurbations (on the borders of Northern and Eastern Europe) which resulted in the creation of the City Twins Association.
From 2008 to 2010, the cross-border conurbation was a partner in a European project led by the MOT: the URBACT “EGTC” project (“Expertising governance for transfrontier conurbations”). This project has helped to clarify the role of actors in cooperation and develop a strategy for joint governance (facilitated by the exchange of experiences with other partner cross-border conurbations participating in the project).
The structuring of actors and the “Cooperation Centre”
The executive level is thus represented by the, two mayors of Frankfurt and Słubice, who have the role of setting the strategic orientations for cooperation. They are assisted by an executive committee and a steering committee.
At the legislative level, a joint assembly (“Joint City Council Meeting”), consisting of representatives of the two cities, was established with the task of monitoring the implementation of projects and the confirmation of cooperation strategies. A legislative committee ("Joint City Council Comitee") deliberates on the decisions taken.
Working groups have also been established. They deal with topics such as economic development, urban planning, education and culture, marketing and international cooperation.
In order to involve civil society in the project, a forum for public debate was created to initiate new projects, debate and review decisions taken. Citizens also form part of the working groups (approximately 1/3 of the objectives and cross-border projects are derived from civil society input).
In May 2011, a Frankfurt–Słubice cooperation centre (“Kooperationzentrum Frankfurt-Słubicer”) officially opened its doors. It consists of a bilingual team (three Germans, three Poles) and aims to achieve the goals set for the year 2020, and to support cross-border cooperation between the two towns, at both the local level and the regional level, within the Pro Europa Viadrina Euroregion.
Also, in order to increase the visibility of the conurbation, in December 2012 the two towns finalised a common communication strategy and a shared logo, in blue and green, carrying the name “Frankfurt (Oder)-Słubice – Ohne Grenzen-Bez Granic” (without borders). The logo was introduced into all publications of both municipalities.
Vision for 2020
The URBACT “EGTC” project also allowed the cross-border conurbation to develop a common strategic vision for the year 2020. It is organised around objectives, focused on strengthening governance and European integration, multilingualism, the development of cross-border infrastructure, and cross-border culture. In this context, a number of projects have been initiated:
- An integrated urban development plan for 2010-2020
- A joint investment project in spa tourism
- A feasibility study for cross-border public transport
- A project for the construction of a German-Polish crèche in Słubice and the extension of the Euro-crèche in Frankfurt (Oder)
- A joint urban marketing project
- A project for the creation of bilingual and trilingual signage
- A project for the creation of a cross-border network of small and medium enterprises