Frankfurt (Oder)–Słubice
Political organisation on either side of the border
At the local level, Słubice is a municipality (gmina). In Poland, the competences of the municipalities are public transport, social services, housing, environment, culture, health and primary education. At the intermediary level, Słubice is also the seat of Słubice county (powiat), whose competences are road building and maintenance, secondary education, civil protection, environmental matters and employment.
On the German side, Frankfurt (Oder) is an urban district (Kreisfreie Stadt) and thus combines the competences of a municipality (Stadt) and of a district (Kreis): urban planning, water management, youth and social aid, building and maintenance of schools, construction and maintenance of roads, collecting and managing household refuse.
At the regional level, Słubice belongs to the region (województwo) of Lubusz. In Poland, the tasks of the regions are economic development, higher education, environment, employment, social policy and regional roads management.
On the German side, Frankfurt (Oder) belongs to the State of Brandenburg, one of the 16 states (Länder) of Germany. The competences of the Land are culture, education, environment and police.