France Italy Monaco

Border: France Italy Monaco

Border: France-Italy-Monaco

EU cooperation programmes

Cross-border projects are funded by two European programmes covering all cross-border territories. The particularity of this border is the use of territorial and thematic integrated plans in the ALCOTRA programme which favour cooperation projects with a view to integrated territorial development.


ALCOTRA (Alpes Latines COopération TRAnsfrontalière) is the EU cross-border cooperation programme covering the Alpine territory between France and Italy.

The programme brings together the departments of Haute-Savoie and Savoie (Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region), the departments of Hautes-Alpes, Alpes de Haute-Provence and Alpes-Maritimes (Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region) in France, and the Aosta Valley autonomous region, the Metropolitan City of Turin and the province of Cuneo (Piedmont region) and the province of Imperia (Liguria region) in Italy.

The managing authority is the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region. Made up of a team of ten employees, all bilingual and representative of the territory, the 2014-2020 ALCOTRA joint technical secretariat is based in Turin.
The ALCOTRA programme also has a network of territorial coordinators providing links between the programme and the territories of the 5 partner regions.
The programme funds projects in various fields: applied innovation, better management of the environment, territorial attractiveness, social inclusion and European citizenship.
A particular feature of the ALCOTRA programme is the definition of three types of project:
- Individual projects, which fall under a separate investment priority and only one of the specific programme goals.
- The Integrated Territorial Plans (PITER) are aimed at the economic, social and environmental development of a cross-border territory through the implementation of a common strategy; the PITER are multi-thematic and are carried out within a perimeter that cannot exceed 3 territorial units (region or department).
- The Integrated Thematic Plans (PITEM) are aimed at the standardisation of approaches and the mutualisation of tools between the different stakeholders of a given sector or field, in the perspective of coordinated and efficient action in the long term; the PITEM are mono-thematic.

More info on the programme website: click here


The Interreg VA maritime cross-border cooperation programme between France and Italy covers a zone including Corsica, Sardinia, Liguria and the five coastal provinces of Tuscany, which were joined in 2014 by the French departments of the Var and Alpes-Maritimes. The programme aims to bring solutions to obstacles to maritime cross-border cooperation, by funding projects covering different themes: growth and employment, the environment, heritage and public goods, and the reduction of distances.

More info on the programme website: click here