Publication of the IGA report: a new dynamic for cross-border cooperation in France?
March 2023
Following a mission of the Inspection générale de l'administration (IGA) carried out in 2022, during which many members of the MOT network were consulted, an important report entitled "Cross-border cooperation of local authorities" was published on February 16th 2023. Jean Peyrony, director general of the MOT, highlights the noteworthy recommendations.
"Written by Corinne Desforges, François Philizot and Adélie Pommier, this report takes stock of cross-border cooperation between local authorities on the French borders, the legal corpus on which it is based, and the support of the State, which is necessary in view of overlapping of competences and diplomatic issues. To become more effective, it recommends improving interministerial management and better equipping prefects and their teams, in particular by relying on the network of diplomatic advisors attached to regional prefects. As for local authorities, the report considers it necessary to encourage the clarification of the various initiatives and to ensure the training of the many stakeholders.
On January 10th 2023, at a meeting with Christian Dupessey, president of the MOT, the minister Dominique Faure* proposed drawing up a roadmap for a cross-border policy for France, a multi-level technical tool to be shared by the relevant ministries and the MOT which would aim to serve local and regional, as well as national and European, actors of cooperation. This roadmap could be presented at the MOT general assembly to be held on the 27th and 28th of June in Metz. This roadmap will be based on the IGA report.
The MOT welcomes the prospect of implementing this report, which has confirmed several recommendations of previous reports, such as the parliamentary report "Blanc Keller Sanchez Schmid" in 2010, or the MEAE's White Paper "Diplomacy and territories" in 2016.
Among the recommendations contained in the IGA report, we highlight in particular:
- Recommendation No. 2: Extend to each border a coordination mechanism comparable to that between France and Germany, under the presidency of a regional prefect.
- Recommendation 4: Systematize the monitoring of cross-border cooperation issues, under the supervision of ministers for foreign affairs and local authorities, in particular by organizing at least one annual interministerial meeting.
- Recommendation 5: In parallel with the desired modification of the MOT's statutes, include its relations with the State in a multi-year framework agreement specifying the objectives pursued and the missions entrusted.
- Recommendation 6: Before any assignment to a border department, provide training for prefects and sub-prefects in the specificities of working with foreign states or communities.
- Recommendation 11: Provide training for elected officials and local civil servants on border issues (CNFPT) and systematize annual exchanges of experiences and best practices between border elected officials, using the resources of the MOT and in conjunction with the major networks of local authorities.
The success of the training course co-organized by the MOT and the CNFPT on March 2nd and 3rd, 2023 confirms the relevance of these recommendations, and shows that these training courses can guide both state services and local cooperation actors."
Download the IGA report
* Deputy Minister to the Minister of the Interior and the Minister of Ecological Transition, in charge of territorial collectivities, and to the Minister of Ecological Transition, in charge of rural affairs.
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