
  • Taking account of border towns in the national programme “Small Towns of Tomorrow”


    Taking account of border towns in the national programme “Small Towns of Tomorrow”

    March 2021

    In October 2020, the MOT was tasked by the National Agency for Territorial Cohesion and the Banque des Territoires as an “action partner” in the national programme “Small Towns of Tomorrow”.

  • Restrictions at France’s borders: cross-border living areas finally recognised


    Restrictions at France’s borders: cross-border living areas finally recognised

    February 2021

    Since 31 January 2021, anyone entering France, including from other European countries, must be in possession of a negative Covid test obtained within the previous 72 hours. However, this obligation does not apply to the inhabitants of cross-border living areas (for journeys lasting less than 24 hours) or to cross-border workers.

  • A Franco-Italian accelerator dedicated to SMEs


    A Franco-Italian accelerator dedicated to SMEs

    January 2021

    The first Franco-Italian accelerator has just been set up. Its aim is to help French and Italian SMEs to work together to grow internationally.

  • "FOCUS", a new thematic brochure by the MOT :  "Les massifs aux frontières françaises"*


    "FOCUS", a new thematic brochure by the MOT : "Les massifs aux frontières françaises"*

    October 2020

    Mountain areas represent over 40% of France’s borders. Among France’s mountain ranges, three of them are located in border regions: the Jura, the Pyrenees and the Alps. This new brochure sets out their common cross-border issues and challenges, while also highlighting concrete cross-border projects.

  • France-Italy: resilience and post-crisis(es) recovery at the heart of future cooperation initiatives


    France-Italy: resilience and post-crisis(es) recovery at the heart of future cooperation initiatives

    October 2020

    On 17 September, the concluding webinar of the Europ’Act capitalisation project entitled “What prospects for Franco-Italian cross-border cooperation initiatives in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur Region?” brought together more than 150 people. Organised by the Sud Region and run by the MOT, it aimed to take stock of six years of cooperation initiatives and to outline the Interreg programme for 2021-2027.

  • A preliminary assessment of Cross-Border Cooperation Strategies along France's borders


    A preliminary assessment of Cross-Border Cooperation Strategies along France's borders

    October 2020

    Following the adoption of the first four Cross-Border Cooperation Strategies (Schémas de Coopération Transfrontalière – SCT) by the Nice, Strasbourg and Lille Metropolises, as well as by the Basque Country Conurbation Community, the MOT and its partners embarked on the drafting of a preliminary assessment of these initiatives that has resulted in a publication, co-written with each of these groupings of municipalities.

  • End of the uncertainty around homeworking for cross-border workers

    End of the uncertainty around homeworking for cross-border workers

    September 2020

    In the context of the health crisis, all of the neighbouring countries have sought to encourage homeworking. Good news for cross-border workers: the legal uncertainty regarding the social security system governing cross-border workers has been removed until 31 December 2020.

  • Contribution from the MOT - Towards a coordination mechanism on the Franco-Italian-Monaco border?


    Contribution from the MOT - Towards a coordination mechanism on the Franco-Italian-Monaco border?

    June 2020

    The MOT has contributed to the production of a report together with Professor Philippe Weckel and Robert Botteghi, within the framework of the territorial diplomacy (DITER) programme, of the University of the Côte d’Azur.

  • MOT study - The Sud Region prepares the future of its Interreg programmes


    MOT study - The Sud Region prepares the future of its Interreg programmes

    June 2020

    A year ago, the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Region commissioned the MOT to carry out a capitalisation study that gave a voice to regional players involved in ALCOTRA and MARITTIMO projects by means of a broad consultation process.

  • The "Espace Mont-Blanc" refines its strategy for adapting to climate change


    The "Espace Mont-Blanc" refines its strategy for adapting to climate change

    June 2020

    Drawing on 29 years of cross-border cooperation, the "Espace Mont-Blanc" ("Mont-Blanc area") on the Franco-Italian-Swiss border is striving to adapt its territory by seeking joint responses to the impacts of climate change.

  • A publication by the MOT: The Covid-19 crisis on French borders


    A publication by the MOT: The Covid-19 crisis on French borders

    June 2020

    The MOT has published an analysis of the consequences for cross-border territories of the health crisis – the result of a call for experiences issued to all of its members. Organised in three main parts, it aims to set out the impacts, difficulties and initiatives linked to the management of the Covid-19 health crisis in cross-border territories.

  • The MOT's maps showing the easing of lockdown measures along France's borders


    The MOT's maps showing the easing of lockdown measures along France's borders

    May 2020

    The MOT has published on its website and on social media a series of maps showing the situation with respect to the easing of lockdown measures along France’s borders.

  • The four levels of cooperation of the Nice Côte d'Azur Metropolis


    The four levels of cooperation of the Nice Côte d'Azur Metropolis

    April 2020

    The Nice Côte d’Azur Metropolis is a unique cross-border territory, located between the sea and the mountains and adjacent to two borders: an internal EU border over 100 km long with the Piedmont Region in Italy and an international border with the Principality of Monaco. Its 2020-2030 Cross-Border Cooperation Strategy, adopted on 16 December 2019, is organised into four complementary levels of work.

  • France-Italy, tighter border controls


    France-Italy, tighter border controls

    March 2020

    Italy, the first country to be severely hit by this health crisis, recently called for a "European coordination" in the healthcare and economic field to deal with the coronavirus.

  • "Together For a Sustainable Alpine Region"


    "Together For a Sustainable Alpine Region"

    February 2020

    The French presidency of the EU strategy for the Alpine Region, launched on 4 February in Lyon, intends to move into higher gear regarding the ecological transition within this transnational space among the most vulnerable and under threat due to climate change.

  • MOT

    Cross-border strategies being drawn up in cross-border urban areas

    January 2020

    The MAPTAM Act* enables border metropolises to draw up a Cross-Border Cooperation Strategy. Lille, Strasbourg and Nice have taken up this opportunity and have been working since 2018, with support from the MOT, on formulating a strategy to structure their cross-border policy. Other territories have followed suit such as the Basque Country Conurbation Community.

  • Meetings of players involved in Franco-Italian cross-border cooperation: the Sud Region mobilises


    Meetings of players involved in Franco-Italian cross-border cooperation: the Sud Region mobilises

    January 2020

    In order to make a preliminary assessment of past Interreg programmes and to plan for the future, the Sud Region (Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur) organised, in partnership with the Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, Alpes-Maritimes, Hautes-Alpes and Var Departments, a series of three meetings with ALCOTRA and MARITTIMO project developers.

  • The Commission has circulated orientation papers by border


    The Commission has circulated orientation papers by border

    July 2019

    In the context of the preparation of its 2021-2027 programmes, DG REGIO has drawn up 38 Border Orientation Papers (BOPs) for all of the EU’s land borders. Six of these BOPs relate to France’s borders.

  • Large increase in cross-border workers working in Switzerland and Luxembourg


    Large increase in cross-border workers working in Switzerland and Luxembourg

    July 2019

    In 2015, more than 360,000 inhabitants of border areas in France worked in a neighbouring country, near to the border. The economic dynamism of neighbouring countries such as Luxembourg, Switzerland and Monaco, together with the salaries offered, have encouraged working-age people living in France’s border areas to go and work there.

  • Network of Cross-Border Cooperation Strategies


    Network of Cross-Border Cooperation Strategies

    June 2019

    With the support of the MOT, Lille, Strasbourg and Nice are the three French border region metropolises that have embarked on drawing up a "Schéma de cooperation transfrontalière" (Cross-Border Cooperation Strategie, CCS), introduced by the Maptam Act* in 2014. Through its network, the MOT enables the three metropolises to share experiences and information regarding their methodologies, the obstacles encountered and the local political contexts, as well as to relay their needs to the national and European authorities.


    The "High Valleys - Heart of the Alps" Integrated Territorial Plan

    May 2019

    The cross-border territory of the “High Valleys” is located in the heart of the Alps, between Savoie, Piedmont and the High Alps. It consists of 13 groups of municipalities, 147 rural mountain districts and 270,753 inhabitants spread over 6,350 km2. A cross-border strategy "The High Valleys – Smart Destination" was drawn up in order to group together the common development priorities for the coming years.

  • The integrated territorial plan ALPIMED


    The integrated territorial plan ALPIMED

    January 2019

    Under the Interreg programme ALCOTRA on the Franco-Italian border, two types of plan can be implemented: integrated territorial plans and integrated thematic plans. Integrated territorial plans are made up of a series of projects organised around several themes for a specific cross-border territory.

  • Outcomes of the cross-border citizen consultations


    Outcomes of the cross-border citizen consultations

    December 2018

    The MOT, and the Jacques Delors Institute have in a 50-page document compiled a summary of the five cross-border citizen consultations that they held with local partners.


    Cross-border citizens’ consultation in Nice with French and Italian high-school students

    October 2018

    Why is Europe disorganised? What cross-border projects does the EU fund? Why is it important to vote in the European elections? On 5 October a cross-border citizens’ consultation was organised in Nice by the MOT, the Jacques Delors Institute, the Nice-Côte d’Azur Metropolis and the Alpes Maritimes European Movement.

  • Proceedings of the 2018 MOT Conference


    Proceedings of the 2018 MOT Conference

    September 2018

    During its General Assembly in May 2018 in Nice and Ventimiglia, the MOT held two round tables on the topics "Local cross-border cooperation in the French-Italian border area" and "The French-Italian-Monacan Metropolitan area under construction", which were complemented by a presentation of cross-border projects within the Nice Côte d’Azur metropolis.