
  • Philippe Richert, President of the Alsace-Champagne-Ardenne-Lorraine Region, writes to François Hollande


    Philippe Richert, President of the Alsace-Champagne-Ardenne-Lorraine Region, writes to François Hollande

    March 2016

    The President of the Alsace-Champagne-Ardenne-Lorraine Region, Philippe Richert, and his first Vice-President, Patrick Weiten, have written to the French President of the Republic. They are asking for 'a strong signal' to be sent at the French-German council of ministers meeting on 7 April in Metz.

  • "Regional Territorial Systems"


    "Regional Territorial Systems"

    March 2016

    The publication "Systèmes Territoriaux Régionaux" ("Regional Territorial Systems") that was brought out in January 2016 by the French Federation of Public Urban Planning Agencies (the FNAU) provides an analysis of territorial issues and interrelationships in France, through the lens of legislative developments and the issues at stake in public policy. A section written by the MOT is devoted to the cross-border dimension.

  • Cancellation of the Strasbourg marathon and other cross-border sporting events under threat


    Cancellation of the Strasbourg marathon and other cross-border sporting events under threat

    March 2016

    The 2016 edition of the Strasbourg-Ortenau Eurodistrict marathon has been cancelled due to "participation by German runners being too low". With a cross-border route (13 km Germany and 29 km in France), it was the only binational marathon in the world.

  • The 2016 "Science Offensive" has been launched


    The 2016 "Science Offensive" has been launched

    March 2016

    The Upper Rhine Trinational Metropolitan Region is renewing its scheme to finance cross-border projects in the area of research and innovation entitled the "Science Offensive".

  • New measures to promote the learning of German in East Moselle


    New measures to promote the learning of German in East Moselle

    February 2016

    As set out on 22 January 2016 by Patrick Weiten, president of the Moselle Conseil Départemental and first vice-president of the Alsace Champagne-Ardenne Lorraine Region responsible for territorial and cross-border cooperation, the Trilingua scheme aimed at promoting the learning of German in Moselle is being replaced by two new experiments in this regard.

  • A university for Europe: Eucor – The European Campus


    A university for Europe: Eucor – The European Campus

    February 2016

    The first European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation (EGTC) to be set up by an alliance of universities is located in the Upper Rhine area.


    The end of double taxation for former cross-border worker pensioners

    February 2016

    Since 1 January 2016, pensioners in French and German border regions who previously worked in the other country no longer run the risk of being taxed twice.

  • A cross-border platform dedicated to businesses in the Greater Region


    A cross-border platform dedicated to businesses in the Greater Region

    January 2016

    The "Grex" platform was set up on 4 January 2016 in order to provide operational support to any sole trader or SME wishing to develop an economic partnership in the Greater Region.

  • 2015 regional elections in France: an update on the territorial reform and cross-border cooperation


    2015 regional elections in France: an update on the territorial reform and cross-border cooperation

    December 2015

    Following the regional elections and the reform which reduced the number of regions in mainland France from 22 to 13, the MOT has published a note (in French) on the new French regions and the territorial reform: what will be the impact on cross-border cooperation?.

  • 40 years of cross-border cooperation in the Upper Rhine


    40 years of cross-border cooperation in the Upper Rhine

    December 2015

    The Joint Secretariat of the Upper Rhine Conference and the journalist Reinhard Reck have produced a booklet to mark the 40th anniversary of the French-German-Swiss intergovernmental commission. The booklet presents the evolution, diversity and dynamism of cross-border cooperation in the Upper Rhine since the Bonn Agreement signed in 1975.

  • Trinational Agglomeration Basel unveils the contents of its toolbox for cross-border cooperation


    Trinational Agglomeration Basel unveils the contents of its toolbox for cross-border cooperation

    November 2015

    The seminar organised by the Council of Europe was an opportunity to examine cross-border cooperation activity organised around the work of the Basel Trinational Eurodistrict (ETB), the international architecture exhibition IBA Basel 2020 and the Basel Agglomeration programme.


    The French Ministry of Finance sets the conditions for the refunding of social contributions from non-residents

    November 2015

    Taking note of the “de Ruyter” decision of the CJEU, “the [French] Government specifies in a communiqué published on 20th October the conditions for the introduction of recovery procedures relating to refunds of social contributions made on capital gains by residents and non-residents who are covered by social security schemes of other Member States of the European Union, the European Economic Area, or Switzerland.”

  • The MOT is publishing two handbooks to encourage cross-border economic development


    The MOT is publishing two handbooks to encourage cross-border economic development

    September 2015

    Since January 2014, the MOT has been carrying out a project supported by the national technical assistance programme Europ'Act relating to the economic development of the cross-border territories along France's borders. The results of this work will be presented at the project's final conference on 30 September in Paris.

  • 15th year of the Saar-Moselle bike festival


    15th year of the Saar-Moselle bike festival

    September 2015

    On 6 September, this cross-border cycling festival that has been held every year in the SaarMoselle Eurodistrict celebrated 15 years of existence with the slogan "70 years of peace and friendship".

  • Promulgation in France of the "NOTRe Act"


    Promulgation in France of the "NOTRe Act"

    September 2015

    The New Territorial Organisation of the Republic Act (the "NOTRe Act") was promulgated on 7 August 2015 in France.

  • Commission launches the EU Strategy for the Alpine Region


    Commission launches the EU Strategy for the Alpine Region

    July 2015

    Today the Commission officially launched the EU Strategy for the Alpine Region (EUSALP), the fourth EU macro-regional strategy. More than70 million citizens will reap the benefits of a closer cooperation between regions and countries in terms of research and innovation, SME support, mobility, tourism, environmental protection and energy resources management.

  • Conference in Metz on French-German cross-border cooperation


    Conference in Metz on French-German cross-border cooperation

    July 2015

    A French-German ministerial conference, attended by French secretary of state for European affairs Harlem Désir and his German counterpart Michael Roth, both general-secretaries for French-German cooperation, took place on 6 and 7 July in Metz.

  • Inauguration in Strasbourg of the cross-border KiosK Office


    Inauguration in Strasbourg of the cross-border KiosK Office

    June 2015

    The KiosK Office, a unique French-German co-production, was inaugurated on 10 June 2015 in Strasbourg in the presence of Harlem Désir, French secretary of state for European affairs.

  • Editorial from Roland Ries, Mayor of Strasbourg, Honorary President of the MOT


    Editorial from Roland Ries, Mayor of Strasbourg, Honorary President of the MOT

    May 2015

    The MAPTAM (modernisation of territorial public action and affirmation of metropolitan areas) Act of 27 January 2014 has opened up new fields for the cross-border cooperation of large conurbations. Linked with the cohesion policy and the EGTC instrument in particular, it shows that the importance of metropolitan approaches in cross-border living and working areas is being taken into account.

  • Strasbourg, a resolutely cross-border metropolis


    Strasbourg, a resolutely cross-border metropolis

    May 2015

    Bridging the gap between France and Germany, Strasbourg is at the heart of the Upper Rhine and has formed diverse partnerships at various levels of cross-border cooperation consistent with its metropolitan policies.


    Inauguration of the Wissembourg waste-water treatment plant

    May 2015

    The Wissembourg cross-border wastewater treatment plant was inaugurated on 18 April 2015, an event attended by a number of elected representatives of the area.


    Shared concerns about the dropping of bilingual classes

    May 2015

    59 MPs, members of the French parliament’s French-German friendship group, have reacted to the planned dropping of bilingual classes announced by the Ministry of Education as part of the middle school reform.

  • Launch of European programmes


    Launch of European programmes

    April 2015

    Along France's borders, several INTERREG VA programmes have launched their first calls for projects or are organising their launch events soon.


    French-German tax agreement

    April 2015

    The French-German Council of Ministers, which met on 31 March 2015 in Berlin, adopted an amendment to the tax agreement between the two countries.

  • "Alsace 2030"


    "Alsace 2030"

    April 2015

    The Alsace Region has just published "Alsace 2030 – a project for the whole of Alsace", the fruit of work carried out during 2014 at the Region's instigation, in a process of broad consultation with all of the territory's active stakeholders.