
  • Special edition on cross-border issues and the ecological transition


    Special edition on cross-border issues and the ecological transition

    June 2018

    The General Council on the Environment and Sustainable Development, which is responsible for advising the government in the different fields of competence of the French Ministry for Ecological Transition, has devoted a special edition of its magazine "Pour mémoire" to cross-border issues in the areas of transport, the environment and energy.

  • The MOT publishes a map and a poster of cross-border territories


    The MOT publishes a map and a poster of cross-border territories

    May 2018

    To mark its 20th anniversary, the MOT produced a map of European cross-border territories. Now, on the occasion of its 21st General Assembly, it is publishing – and has had printed in the form of a large poster – a map showing the cross-border territories along France's borders.

  • TV programme "Avenue de l'Europe" devoted to cross-border workers


    TV programme "Avenue de l'Europe" devoted to cross-border workers

    May 2018

    "They are French and live in France, but work on the other side of the border, in Italy, Switzerland or Germany. They are known as the 'transfrontaliers' [cross-border workers]… There are 500,000 of them – the highest number in Europe. But is there an entente cordiale between these French people and their neighbours?"

  • The cross-border dimension at the heart of the Grand Est Region's "SRADDET" Plan


    The cross-border dimension at the heart of the Grand Est Region's "SRADDET" Plan

    May 2018

    The new French regions have to draw up a "Schéma régional d’aménagement, de développement durable et d’égalité des territoires" (SRADDET – Regional Spatial Planning, Sustainable Development and Territorial Equality Plan). In order to set out a unifying political project for its territory, the Grand Est Region has chosen to place the cross-border dimension at the heart of its actions and to involve its cross-border partners in drawing it up.


    France: a mission on Franco-German cooperation

    April 2018

    A mission on deepening Franco-German cross-border cooperation, under the aegis of the Minister in charge of European Affairs, Nathalie Loiseau, has just been entrusted to the MP for the Bas-Rhin Department, Sylvain Waserman. The aim is to think about how renewing the Elysée Treaty would help to further develop Franco-German cross-border cooperation. A questionnaire for citizens is open until 30 April.

  • "MMUST" to facilitate mobility within the Greater Region


    "MMUST" to facilitate mobility within the Greater Region

    March 2018

    The MMUST project (Multimodal model and scenarios for cross-border mobility) has just been approved by the Greater Region Interreg VA programme. It is an ambitious project that aims to simulate cross-border movements between France, Luxembourg, Germany and Belgium.

  • The Saar-Lor-Lux Greater Region: towards cross-border supra-regionalisation?


    The Saar-Lor-Lux Greater Region: towards cross-border supra-regionalisation?

    March 2018

    "Beyond the speeches and symbols, what meaning can the concept of a cross-border region have? By defining the region as an identity-based, territorial and institutional construction that endures over time, this work identifies and interrogates the specificities of this process in the cross-border setting. The issues are explored using the emblematic example of the Greater Region, which launched a long-term strategy in 2008 involving Lorraine, Luxembourg, Rhineland-Palatinate, Saarland and Wallonia."


    Greater Region: "UniGR", a European centre of skills and resources

    March 2018

    As part of the "UniGR - Centre for Border Studies" project, the six member universities (Kaiserslautern, Liège, Lorraine, Luxembourg, Saarland and Trier) of the University of the Greater Region (UniGR) are going to set up a "European centre of skills and resources in border studies" with international visibility.

  • Cross-border relations at the heart of Franco-German diplomacy


    Cross-border relations at the heart of Franco-German diplomacy

    February 2018

    In reponse to Emmanuel Macron and Angela Merkel’s desire to sign a new Elysée Treaty in 2018, and on the occasion of its 55th anniversary, the German Bundestag and the French National Assembly, meeting in a joint session on 22 January, adopted a resolution inviting the two governments to renew this treaty in order to “deepen the Franco-German partnership” and “launch a new dynamic”.

  • What place for the cross-border citizen in building Europe?


    What place for the cross-border citizen in building Europe?

    February 2018

    Two workshops and a study trip with local stakeholders were organised around this topic in the territories of SaarMoselle and Flanders-Dunkirk-Côte d’Opale, as part of the work of IHEDATE (Higher Education Institute for European Development and Planning - Institut des hautes études de développement et d'aménagement des territoires en Europe).

  • Grand Est region: study on cross-border obstacles


    Grand Est region: study on cross-border obstacles

    February 2018

    The Regional Economic, Social and Environmental Council (Ceser) of the Grand Est region has published a study looking at the reduction of cross-border obstacles in the Grand Est region.

  • 38th Conference of Urban-Planning Agencies: "Building a Europe of Places and Links"


    38th Conference of Urban-Planning Agencies: "Building a Europe of Places and Links"

    November 2017

    The 38th Conference of Urban-Planning Agencies was held on 8-10 November in Strasbourg, with the theme "Building a Europe of Places and Links" ("Construire l'Europe des Lieux et des Liens").

  • Seminar on observation of cross-border territories


    Seminar on observation of cross-border territories

    November 2017

    On 9-10 November 2017, the MOT took part in the final conference of a project on the observation of cross-border territories along Germany's borders.

  • Cross-border cooperation in the field of health


    Cross-border cooperation in the field of health

    October 2017

    This publication, to which the MOT has contributed, notably by producing the maps, aims to take stock of cross-border cooperation in the field of health and the evolution of Europe’s role in the healthcare sector in global terms, by focussing on 7 experiences in Europe and by looking closely at the French-Belgian situation.

  • "Alzette Belval, towards a cross-border smartcity?"
  • 2017 project files


    2017 project files

    September 2017

    Every year, the MOT publishes a dossier highlighting exemplary cross-border projects along French borders.

  • Guide for cross-border cooperation in the field of the environment


    Guide for cross-border cooperation in the field of the environment

    September 2017

    Within the context of the regional accord for the application of the Espoo Convention (1991) in a tri-national framework, the French-German-Swiss Upper Rhine Conference has published a guide to procedures for cross-border consultations concerning projects, plans and programmes with significant impact on the environment.

  • Encouraging young people's cross-border mobility in the Greater Region


    Encouraging young people's cross-border mobility in the Greater Region

    June 2017

    This is the aim of the project FagA/Centre d’aide à la mobilité transfrontalière (CAMT – Centre for Assistance with Cross-Border Mobility) launched on 1 July 2016 in the SaarMoselle Eurodistrict.

  • Launch of the Greater Region's new geoportal


    Launch of the Greater Region's new geoportal

    June 2017

    More user-friendly and better suited to players in the Greater Region but above all to the general public is how the new version of the Greater Region's geoportal, which was officially presented on 23 May, in the presence of Camille Gira, Luxembourg's Secretary of State for sustainable Development and Infrastructure, can be summed up.

  • University of the Greater Region (UniGR) launches a new study programme


    University of the Greater Region (UniGR) launches a new study programme

    June 2017

    The "Master's in border studies" is an international, interdisciplinary and multilingual study programme aimed at providing students who wish to pursue their careers in intercultural and cross-border settings with the main concepts and necessary analytical tools to understand the issues related to border territories and transnational cooperation.

  • A cross-border tramline once again links Strasbourg to Kehl


    A cross-border tramline once again links Strasbourg to Kehl

    May 2017

    It was at 4.52 in the morning of 29 April 2017 that the first tram of Line D set off from Strasbourg in the direction of neighbouring Kehl, with the two cities now even more closely linked, within the framework of a project that has profoundly changed the urban landscape.

  • Franco-German pilot project for cross-border energy networks


    Franco-German pilot project for cross-border energy networks

    May 2017

    In the context of constructing an "Energy Europe", a Franco-German experiment with a decentralised, local and also cross-border energy network is going to be conducted in order to go beyond the traditional interconnections between countries via high-voltage lines.

  • MOT Study on cross-border issues in mountain areas


    MOT Study on cross-border issues in mountain areas

    April 2017

    At the request of the CGET,* the MOT has conducted a study on the cross-border issues in mountain areas, which cover nearly 42% of mainland France's borders.

  • The third Franco-German cross-border conference


    The third Franco-German cross-border conference

    April 2017

    On 5-6 April 2017 in Neustadt-an-der Weinstraße (Rhineland-Palatinate), the third Franco-German cross-border conference was held, in the presence of Harlem Désir, the Secretary of State for European Affairs (FR), and Michael Roth, Minister of State for Europe (DE).

  • Three associations defending the rights of cross-border workers bring an action before the European Commission


    Three associations defending the rights of cross-border workers bring an action before the European Commission

    March 2017

    Income from household wealth (capital gains on property, real estate income, etc.) received in France is subject to social security deductions. However, the European Court of Justice confirmed in 2015 that people who are affiliated to the social security system of another country should not be taxed to fund the French social security system.