
  • KiosK office: opening of the first cross-border co-working space in Europe


    KiosK office: opening of the first cross-border co-working space in Europe

    March 2015

    Starting in January 2015, business creation consultancy cooperative START HOP welcomes French-German entrepreneurs to its convivial “KiosK office” spaces at locations in Strasbourg and Offenburg, helping them to develop their market with a 360° view.

  • A Moselle strategy in response to Saarland


    A Moselle strategy in response to Saarland

    March 2015

    In response to the “France Strategy” presented in January 2014 by Saarland, aiming to make the border region a multilingual space by 2043, on 12 February in Forbach Patrick Weiten, leader of the Moselle department council, referred to the department’s “Moselle strategy”, with the opening in June of an “open house of services for Germany” (Mosa).

  • INSEE study: “Live in France and work in another country: a fast-growing situation”


    INSEE study: “Live in France and work in another country: a fast-growing situation”

    March 2015

    According to a study by the INSEE published in February 2015, the number of French people living in France but working abroad has increased by 42% since 1999. The study analyses the different causes and characteristics of the resulting flows.

  • Presidency of the Greater Region: the editorial from Paul Magnette, Minister-President of Wallonia


    Presidency of the Greater Region: the editorial from Paul Magnette, Minister-President of Wallonia

    February 2015

    "Wallonia is a border territory par excellence: its relations with its neighbours have always played a crucial role in its development."

  • Presidency of the Greater Region: Wallonia's objectives


    Presidency of the Greater Region: Wallonia's objectives

    February 2015

    Depuis le 1er janvier 2015, la région wallonne a l’honneur et la responsabilité de présider la Grande Région, exercice assumé en étroite collaboration avec ses partenaires belges, la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles et la Communauté germanophone.

  • How international borders affect local public transport: Analyses and evaluations of cross-border agglomerations in Switzerland, France and Germany


    How international borders affect local public transport: Analyses and evaluations of cross-border agglomerations in Switzerland, France and Germany

    February 2015

    This study focuses on various effects of international borders on local public transport: How does it impact demand, service offer as well as framework conditions?

  • Conference in Paris on cross-border healthcare


    Conference in Paris on cross-border healthcare

    January 2015

    On 10 December 2014, the conference entitled "What solutions for cross-border healthcare?" took place at the Assemblée Nationale in Paris. Organised by the Assemblée Nationale's "Border Regions and Workers" study group, with support from the MOT, this conference brought together cross-border healthcare experts and elected representatives from all of France's border areas.


    A European project for greater security on the Rhine

    January 2015

    After the launch in 2008 of the first French-German rapid intervention facility on the Rhine – the "Europa 1 fire-boat" – the Fire and Rescue Service of the Bas-Rhin Department has worked for five years on the implementation of a new INTERREG project focused on the training of rescue services in the Upper Rhine in combating river-related risks.

  • The REGIO PAMINA Eurodistrict: a day devoted to cross-border employment


    The REGIO PAMINA Eurodistrict: a day devoted to cross-border employment

    December 2014

    The cross-border labour market was the leitmotif of the event held on Thursday, 27 November 2014 by the REGIO PAMINA Eurodistrict and the social enterprise Neue Arbeit in Lauterbourg. Around 60 French and German players from the political sphere, administration and economy came together to take part in two roundtables on this topic.

  • Seminar on cross-border observation in Budapest


    Seminar on cross-border observation in Budapest

    October 2014

    The CESCI, the MOT and INFH co-organised the 2nd European Seminar on cross-border territorial observation on 30 September 2014 at the Institut français de Budapest in Hungary.

  • Cross-border walk in the Greater Region


    Cross-border walk in the Greater Region

    October 2014

    Taking place on 28 September 2014 between Berus (Überherrn, Saarland) and Berviller-en-Moselle (Lorraine) as part of the annual event of the Interreg IVA Greater Region Programme and the 10th anniversary of the Interreg PIG (Public Interest Group), the cross-border walk attracted 170 persons, partner authorities and project operators accompanied by their families, from Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany and France.

  • Lorraine and Saarland sign a cross-border agreement on professional training


    Lorraine and Saarland sign a cross-border agreement on professional training

    September 2014

    After a year of negotiations, on 20 June 2014 at the Conseil Régional of Lorraine a framework agreement was signed with Saarland with the aim of developing cooperation initiatives in the area of initial and ongoing professional training.

  • The first French-German cross-border co-working space


    The first French-German cross-border co-working space

    September 2014

    On Wednesday 2 July 2014, the first cross-border co-working space was inaugurated in Offenburg – the “KiosK Office” – with the opening of the German site, which will soon be followed by the opening of the French site in Strasbourg.

  • A guide to cross-border services in the Upper Rhine


    A guide to cross-border services in the Upper Rhine

    September 2014

    The aim of this guide is to present in a user-friendly manner different services that operate in the French-German context, mainly located in the Upper Rhine region.

  • A new Benelux convention


    A new Benelux convention

    March 2014

    With the launch of the Dutch presidency of the Benelux Union, a new "Benelux Convention on Cross-Border and Interterritorial Cooperation" was signed on 20 February in The Hague.

  • New MOT publication on the legal framework for cross-border cooperation


    New MOT publication on the legal framework for cross-border cooperation

    February 2014

    The MOT produced a guidebook entitled “The legal framework for cross-border cooperation. The legal instruments available to cross-border projects” which is aimed at helping cooperation practitioners to choose the legal form that is most appropriate for their needs. The document is available in six languages: French, English, German, Italian, Spanish, Dutch.

  • Health systems and cross-border cooperation


    Health systems and cross-border cooperation

    January 2014

    The French-Belgian health monitoring unit (EEIG OFBS) and the Wallonia-Lorraine-Luxembourg cross-border health monitoring unit (EEIG LUXLORSAN) organised a conference on health systems and cross-border cooperation, which took place on 18 December 2013 at the Committee of the Regions offices.

  • Five seminars on cross-border operational arrangements


    Five seminars on cross-border operational arrangements

    November 2013

    The MOT organized five information seminars in September and October 2013 on operational arrangements for cross-border projects on French borders. Each seminar covered one or two of the French borders. Consult the documentation.

  • Legal seminar on the French-German-Luxembourg border


    Legal seminar on the French-German-Luxembourg border

    October 2013

    Over 50 practitioners participated in the seminar on the legal instruments for cross-border projects organised by the MOT on 17 October 2013 in Sarreguemines and hosted by the Communauté d’Agglomération Sarreguemines Confluences (Sarreguemines Confluences Agglomeration Community).

  • A new cross-border map produced by the MOT!


    A new cross-border map produced by the MOT!

    February 2013

    The MOT produced a map summarising the main cross-border agreements, structures and programmes on French borders.

  • The MOT publishes a "methodological guidebook"


    The MOT publishes a "methodological guidebook"

    February 2013

    In a dynamic context of reform - redefinition of cross-border policy and decentralisation process in France, preparation of the 2014-2020 programmes at European level - the MOT has produced a methodological guidebook aimed at improving articulation between cohesion policy, governance structures and cross-border territorial approaches.