
  • The cross-border dimension in the Territorial Observatory's annual report


    The cross-border dimension in the Territorial Observatory's annual report

    July 2018

    The General Commission for Territorial Equality (CGET) has just published its 2017 annual report. An extensive chapter looks at the dynamics of cross-border employment. Border issues are also discussed in other sections of the report.

  • Focus on cooperation between France, Italy and Monaco


    Focus on cooperation between France, Italy and Monaco

    June 2018

    Two roundtables devoted to cooperation between France, Italy and Monaco were held in Ventimiglia on 23 May following the MOT's General Assembly. They brought together many local elected representatives, such as Enrico Ioculano, Mayor of Ventimiglia, Jean-Pierre Vassallo, Mayor of Tende and Vice-President of the French Riviera Conurbation Community, Fabio Natta, Mayor of Cesio and President of Imperia Province, Frederico Borgna, Mayor of Cuneo and President of Cuneo Province and Marine De Carne-Trecesson, France's Ambassador to Monaco.

  • Special edition on cross-border issues and the ecological transition


    Special edition on cross-border issues and the ecological transition

    June 2018

    The General Council on the Environment and Sustainable Development, which is responsible for advising the government in the different fields of competence of the French Ministry for Ecological Transition, has devoted a special edition of its magazine "Pour mémoire" to cross-border issues in the areas of transport, the environment and energy.

  • Editorial of Christian Estrosi, Mayor of Nice, President of the Nice-Côte d'Azur Metropolis and President Delegate of the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur Region


    Editorial of Christian Estrosi, Mayor of Nice, President of the Nice-Côte d'Azur Metropolis and President Delegate of the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur Region

    May 2018

    Since 2012, the Nice-Côte d'Azur Metropolis has been part of the MOT's network, which allows it to position itself at the heart of cross-border cooperation issues, by developing its links not only with its direct neighbours, Italy and the Principality of Monaco, but also with other European cross-border players.


    Nice takes action for cross-border cooperation projects

    May 2018

    The city of Nice and the Nice-Côte d'Azur Metropolis are engaged in many cooperation projects within the framework of the ALCOTRA and MARITTIMO European programmes, in very varied areas such as: territorial development, strengthening links between urban and rural territories, innovation and support for businesses, sustainable development and combating climate change, healthcare and social inclusion, youth, culture and strengthening digital networks.

  • The MOT publishes a map and a poster of cross-border territories


    The MOT publishes a map and a poster of cross-border territories

    May 2018

    To mark its 20th anniversary, the MOT produced a map of European cross-border territories. Now, on the occasion of its 21st General Assembly, it is publishing – and has had printed in the form of a large poster – a map showing the cross-border territories along France's borders.

  • TV programme "Avenue de l'Europe" devoted to cross-border workers


    TV programme "Avenue de l'Europe" devoted to cross-border workers

    May 2018

    "They are French and live in France, but work on the other side of the border, in Italy, Switzerland or Germany. They are known as the 'transfrontaliers' [cross-border workers]… There are 500,000 of them – the highest number in Europe. But is there an entente cordiale between these French people and their neighbours?"

  • Position of the Italy/France Maritime programme on the post-2020 period


    Position of the Italy/France Maritime programme on the post-2020 period

    May 2018

    The 2014-2020 Italy/France Maritime Programme has drafted a position paper on cross-border maritime cooperation after 2020. Its aim is to make a contribution regarding the future organisation of cross-border maritime cooperation, by highlighting the current obstacles, but also the responses provided by ETC programmes.

  • CNFPT-MOT meeting


    CNFPT-MOT meeting

    October 2017

    In the context of its partnership with the CNFPT (French National Centre for the Territorial Civil Service), the MOT organised, with a number of partners, different training sessions.

  • Cross-border cooperation in the field of health


    Cross-border cooperation in the field of health

    October 2017

    This publication, to which the MOT has contributed, notably by producing the maps, aims to take stock of cross-border cooperation in the field of health and the evolution of Europe’s role in the healthcare sector in global terms, by focussing on 7 experiences in Europe and by looking closely at the French-Belgian situation.

  • 2017 project files


    2017 project files

    September 2017

    Every year, the MOT publishes a dossier highlighting exemplary cross-border projects along French borders.

  • The future of transport in the Mediterranean: the GEECCTT-ILES project


    The future of transport in the Mediterranean: the GEECCTT-ILES project

    May 2017

    The project "Gestion Européenne Conjointe des Connexions et Transports pour les îles – GEECCTT-ILES" (Joint European Management of Connections and Transport for the Islands), which is aimed at creating transport links in the Western Mediterranean, has just been approved by the Interreg programme's monitoring committee.

  • Editorial by Christian Estrosi, Mayor of Nice, President of the Nice Côte d'Azur Metropolis


    Editorial by Christian Estrosi, Mayor of Nice, President of the Nice Côte d'Azur Metropolis

    May 2017

    Innovation does not stop at France's borders The Nice Côte d'Azur Metropolis, which now features among the 10 leading smart cities in the world, has been built up around a very dense international ecosystem. This has been in its DNA for a very long time…

  • The cross-border dimension as a mission


    The cross-border dimension as a mission

    May 2017

    The Nice Côte D'Azur Metropolis has at least three particularities that have contributed to its growth.

  • MOT Study on cross-border issues in mountain areas


    MOT Study on cross-border issues in mountain areas

    April 2017

    At the request of the CGET,* the MOT has conducted a study on the cross-border issues in mountain areas, which cover nearly 42% of mainland France's borders.

  • Committee of the Regions conference on natural disasters in cross-border areas


    Committee of the Regions conference on natural disasters in cross-border areas

    February 2017

    Jointly organised by the Committee of the Regions and the MOT, this conference brought together more than 60 participants, on 3 February in Brussels. Its objective was to present best practice in the area of risk prevention and crisis management in cross-border zones: forest fires (ES-PT), flooding in the Nisa Euroregion (DE-CZ-PL), seismic risks in the Alps (FR-IT-CH), risks in mountainous regions (FR-ES) and more generally, civil protection (EGTC Euregio Senza Confini IT-AT).


    Impact in border territories of the law on public security, in France

    February 2017

    The vice-president of the MOT; Joël Giraud, member of parliament for Hautes-Alpes, is demanding special arrangements in border areas for authorisations for minors leaving the country.

  • Editorial from Jean-Marc Ayrault, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Development (France)


    Editorial from Jean-Marc Ayrault, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Development (France)

    November 2016

    After several decades of innovative projects undertaken between neighbouring countries, cross-border territories have become shared living spaces, and places for discovering a “European citizenship” experienced in daily life.

  • The White Paper "Diplomacy and Territories" of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs: "A genuine strategy for cross-border cooperation"


    The White Paper "Diplomacy and Territories" of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs: "A genuine strategy for cross-border cooperation"

    November 2016

    The members of the CNCD (National Commission for Decentralized Cooperation) approved on 23 November 2016 a White Paper entitled “Diplomatie et territoires" (Diplomacy and Territories) proposed by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Development.

  • Annual conference of the Interreg ALCOTRA programme


    Annual conference of the Interreg ALCOTRA programme

    October 2016

    On 6 October 2016, the annual meeting of the Interreg VA ALCOTRA programme brought together more than 400 participants in Chamonix.

  • European days of cross-border cooperation in Nice


    European days of cross-border cooperation in Nice

    October 2016

    Organised by the Nice Côte d’Azur Metropolis,* the European days of cross-border cooperation held in Nice on 21-22 September were a great success, with nearly 400 participants.

  • Updating of the MOT's legal resources: a toolkit for players involved in cooperation


    Updating of the MOT's legal resources: a toolkit for players involved in cooperation

    September 2016

    This summer, the MOT completely updated its online legal resources relating to cross-border cooperation law.

  • Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region "SRDEII"


    Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region "SRDEII"

    September 2016

    In the context of drawing up its SRDEII,* the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region asked the MOT, of which it is a member, to carry out an assessment of cross-border issues in the Region (which borders on Switzerland and Italy) that could be included in a cross-border component of the regional programme.

  • "The migrant crisis: the return of borders"


    "The migrant crisis: the return of borders"

    September 2016

    TV programme "C dans l'air" on France 5 - Broadcast on 10 August 2016

  • A platform to facilitate the mobility of territorial civil servants


    A platform to facilitate the mobility of territorial civil servants

    June 2016

    The Institut National des Études Territoriales (INET) in Strasbourg has put online a platform designed to centralise a large amount of disparate information about French territorial civil servants' possibilities for mobility in Europe and internationally.