End of the uncertainty around homeworking for cross-border workers
September 2020In the context of the health crisis, all of the neighbouring countries have sought to encourage homeworking. Good news for cross-border workers: the legal uncertainty regarding the social security system governing cross-border workers has been removed until 31 December 2020.
Covid-19 and Europe - Europe attempts to coordinate actions along borders
September 2020The diplomatic contact group of the EU Council, COREPER II, met in early September to discuss better coordination between Member States regarding internal borders, with "particular attention given to border regions".
Editorial of Christian Dupessey, new President of the MOT, Mayor of Annemasse and First Vice-President of Annemasse Agglo
September 2020The MOT’s 23rd general assembly, held in Colmar, was an opportunity for rich discussions between representatives of territories that are sometimes very different and yet so similar in terms of their cross-border specificities. You have done me the honour of electing me as the MOT’s President and I am conscious of the responsibility this represents.
The MOT network's initial assessment of the crisis in cross-border territories: "Never again!"
September 2020The network of the Mission Opérationnelle Transfrontalière (MOT) met in Colmar on 8-9 September, at the invitation of the Haut-Rhin Department, to elect its new President: Christian Dupessey, Mayor of Annemasse and First Vice-President of Annemasse Agglo.
The MOT's activity report is online
September 2020 -
B-Solutions – A compendium of 43 obstacles
SeptemberThe AEBR has published a compendium setting out analyses of the 43 obstacles and solutions identified over the course of the first two calls for proposals of the b-solutions initiative. NB: 3rd call for proposals extended until 11 October 2020.
"B-solutions" : third call for proposals
September 2020The third call for proposals in the framework of the b-solutions initiative is opened. Deadline extended until 11.10.2020!
The European Commission has launched Public consultation on the future of transport
August 2020DG MOVE is working on a comprehensive Strategy for a Sustainable and Smart Mobility with a view promoting better and greener cross-border mobility. A public consultation shall allow both stakeholders and citizens to comment and identify their priorities.
DG REGIO Public Consultation on overcoming obstacles in border regions
July 2020The Commission’s Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy (DG REGIO) launched a new online "Public consultation on overcoming obstacles in border regions", and invite citizens and/or border stakeholders to participate and share their opinions and feedback. Extended deadline: 11 October.
The first “BORDERS FORUM” will take place in Paris on 9-10 November
June 2020On 9-10 November 2020, the Mission Opérationnelle Transfrontalière (MOT) is hosting in Paris the first edition of the BORDERS FORUM. This exceptional event will take place under the patronage of Mr Emmanuel Macron, President of the French Republic.
Launching of a European Cross-border Citizens' Alliance
June 2020At a time when Europe is at a turning point and is about to decide on its budget and political guidelines for the period 2021/27, the MOT, AEBR (Association of European Border Regions), and CESCI (Central European Service for Cross-Border Initiatives), are launching an European Cross-border Citizens’ Alliance, which is addressed to the European and national authorities so that they recognise the importance of cross-border cohesion as the cement of the European Union.
First meetings of the network’s working groups
June 2020The MOT network’s working groups met for the first time in the form of webinars on 12 June (the “Territorial Solidarity” group), 17 June (the “Cross-Border Governance” group) and 24 June (the “Metropolitan Cooperation” group). Their purpose is to share experiences along borders, to generate proposals for action, and to contribute to political reflections for the BORDERS FORUM to be held on 9-10 November.
Contribution from the MOT - Towards a coordination mechanism on the Franco-Italian-Monaco border?
June 2020The MOT has contributed to the production of a report together with Professor Philippe Weckel and Robert Botteghi, within the framework of the territorial diplomacy (DITER) programme, of the University of the Côte d’Azur.
MOT study - The Sud Region prepares the future of its Interreg programmes
June 2020A year ago, the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Region commissioned the MOT to carry out a capitalisation study that gave a voice to regional players involved in ALCOTRA and MARITTIMO projects by means of a broad consultation process.
Exchanging views and experiences to shape the future
June 2020The current crisis across Europe has sparked criticisms, divisions and inconsistencies between countries, with significant impacts on the lives of people in border regions. However, the European Union – which is working to restart activity – is there to restore free movement in Europe, which is indispensable for the development of European citizenship. As a central part of the recovery, we need to rethink the challenges of the post-Covid period, such as education, agriculture, healthcare, trade, eco-friendly mobility and sustainable development.
Editorial by Loïc Delhuvenne, Director of the Lille-Kortrijk-Tournai Eurometropolis
June 2020 -
Thematic issue: "Borders and cross-border labor markets : Opportunities and challenges"
June 2020Edited by Isabelle Pigeron-Piroth (University of Luxembourg) and Rachid Belkacem (University of Lorraine), the latest thematic issue published by the UniGR-Center for Border Studies provides an analysis of cross-border employment and related issues. Comprising seven chapters contributed by ten authors, it has a preface by Jean Peyrony, the MOT’s Director-General.
France-Switzerland: A Léman Coherence Strategy
June 2020Since 2008, the Léman Council has provided a Léman Coherence Transport Strategy. This initiative, which is led by the Canton of Valais, provides an overview for the whole of the Léman region.
The "Espace Mont-Blanc" refines its strategy for adapting to climate change
June 2020Drawing on 29 years of cross-border cooperation, the "Espace Mont-Blanc" ("Mont-Blanc area") on the Franco-Italian-Swiss border is striving to adapt its territory by seeking joint responses to the impacts of climate change.
The European Parliament calls for greater protection for cross-border and seasonal workers
June 2020Resolution adopted on 19 June.
A publication by the MOT: The Covid-19 crisis on French borders
June 2020The MOT has published an analysis of the consequences for cross-border territories of the health crisis – the result of a call for experiences issued to all of its members. Organised in three main parts, it aims to set out the impacts, difficulties and initiatives linked to the management of the Covid-19 health crisis in cross-border territories.