
  • MOT

    Cross-border strategies being drawn up in cross-border urban areas

    January 2020

    The MAPTAM Act* enables border metropolises to draw up a Cross-Border Cooperation Strategy. Lille, Strasbourg and Nice have taken up this opportunity and have been working since 2018, with support from the MOT, on formulating a strategy to structure their cross-border policy. Other territories have followed suit such as the Basque Country Conurbation Community.

  • Revitalisation of inner cities in the Greater Region


    Revitalisation of inner cities in the Greater Region

    January 2020

    On 21 November 2019 the UniGR – Center for Border Studies held in Esch-sur-Alzette, in Luxembourg, its fourth Greater Region Forum, on the topic "Revitalisation of inner cities in the Greater Region". In the light of the pressure on the retail sector in the Greater Region, as well as in other cross-border regions, the discussions focused on the organisation of retailers in the face of this competition, on consumer behaviour and on possible avenues for co-development.


    Authority of Alsace and cross-border cooperation: what does the Act say?

    November 2019

    The Act (No. 2019-816) of 2 August 2019 concerning the competences of the European Territorial Authority of Alsace (CEA) ratified the creation of this new territorial authority arising from the merger of the French Bas-Rhin and Haut-Rhin Departments on 1 January 2021.

  • A 2030 strategy for the Upper Rhine Trinational Metropolitan Region


    A 2030 strategy for the Upper Rhine Trinational Metropolitan Region

    November 2019

    The 2030 strategy for the Upper Rhine Trinational Metropolitan Region was signed in Basel on 22 November. “We want to be a model region for Europe and to make visible and tangible the benefits that Europe provides day by day. To do this, we will continue to develop excellence in the economic and scientific field, to strengthen structures of cross-border cooperation and to develop new potential,” the political representatives affirmed on this occasion.

  • Network day in Lille on cross-border mobility


    Network day in Lille on cross-border mobility

    November 2019

    At the invitation of the MOT, the CNFPT (National Centre for Territorial Public Administration) and the Lille-Kortrijk-Tournai Eurometropolis, 40 people gathered on 13 November in Lille to talk about cross-border transportation. The three sessions focused on: the need for the observation of flows and the reasons for travelling (work, shopping, leisure, healthcare); the challenges encountered in drawing up cross-border mobility strategies; and the breaking-down of the strategies into territorial projects.

  • Signature in Toulouse of a Franco-German declaration


    Signature in Toulouse of a Franco-German declaration

    October 2019

    The 21st Franco-German Council of Ministers took place in Toulouse on 16 October 2019, bringing together France’s President, Emmanuel Macron, Germany’s Chancellor, Angela Merkel, as well as the French and German ministers. On this occasion, and following on from the Aachen Treaty, the “Franco-German Declaration of Toulouse” was signed, which reaffirms the commitments made at the highest level of government with respect to Franco-German cooperation.

  • Energy, citizenship, the ECBM, observation: major topics at the heart of the workshops attended by the MOT


    Energy, citizenship, the ECBM, observation: major topics at the heart of the workshops attended by the MOT

    October 2019

    At the 2019 edition of the European Week of Regions and Cities, which brought together over 9,000 participants in Brussels, the MOT ran a workshop entitled "No country is an island: joint cross-border strategies for a clean energy transition".

  • Strasbourg-Ortenau Eurodistrict: A cross-border cycle ride to bring citizens on either side of the Rhine together


    Strasbourg-Ortenau Eurodistrict: A cross-border cycle ride to bring citizens on either side of the Rhine together

    October 2019

    On 22 September 2019, amateur and professional cyclists from either side of the Rhine set off to discover the territory of the Strasbourg-Ortenau Eurodistrict during a cross-border cycle ride.

  • "The cross-border dimension – a new impetus for the territory"


    "The cross-border dimension – a new impetus for the territory"

    September 2019

    Editorial by Tristan Atmania, Deputy Director of the Territorial Attractiveness and Competitiveness Department – Saint-Avold Conurbation: "In this crucial year for Europe, our territory of the Moselle, at the crossroads of the founding countries of the European Union, and also of the Saar-Lor-Lux Greater Region, is at a turning point in its history. In this respect, the cross-border cooperation that is already being forged in all areas of daily life represents a major asset to be developed in the context of the competition that we face with the other regions of the world. [...]"

  • The Saint-Avold Conurbation – a new member of the MOT’s network


    The Saint-Avold Conurbation – a new member of the MOT’s network

    September 2019

    Individual decisions carry important weight in a world brimming over with vitality. Decisions that affect many people and that, taken together, have an impact on certain regions’ demographic developments and economic strength. Such changes can only be managed if we are willing to evolve. The Saint-Avold Conurbation is rising to this challenge and is taking advantage of synergies to pool skills for the benefit of all.

  • Borders and mobility in day-to-day life: ways of life in the Basel trinational conurbation


    Borders and mobility in day-to-day life: ways of life in the Basel trinational conurbation

    September 2019

    Yann Dubois, Editions Alphil-Presses universitaires suisses, Collection "Espaces, mobilités et sociétés" No. 9, 613 pp, 2019 - in French.

  • The Commission has circulated orientation papers by border


    The Commission has circulated orientation papers by border

    July 2019

    In the context of the preparation of its 2021-2027 programmes, DG REGIO has drawn up 38 Border Orientation Papers (BOPs) for all of the EU’s land borders. Six of these BOPs relate to France’s borders.

  • Healthcare cooperation: concrete progress
  • Large increase in cross-border workers working in Switzerland and Luxembourg


    Large increase in cross-border workers working in Switzerland and Luxembourg

    July 2019

    In 2015, more than 360,000 inhabitants of border areas in France worked in a neighbouring country, near to the border. The economic dynamism of neighbouring countries such as Luxembourg, Switzerland and Monaco, together with the salaries offered, have encouraged working-age people living in France’s border areas to go and work there.

  • Network of Cross-Border Cooperation Strategies


    Network of Cross-Border Cooperation Strategies

    June 2019

    With the support of the MOT, Lille, Strasbourg and Nice are the three French border region metropolises that have embarked on drawing up a "Schéma de cooperation transfrontalière" (Cross-Border Cooperation Strategie, CCS), introduced by the Maptam Act* in 2014. Through its network, the MOT enables the three metropolises to share experiences and information regarding their methodologies, the obstacles encountered and the local political contexts, as well as to relay their needs to the national and European authorities.

  • Cross-border innovation: Strasburg plans to recover the heat produced by the Kehl steelworks


    Cross-border innovation: Strasburg plans to recover the heat produced by the Kehl steelworks

    June 2019

    The Strasbourg Eurometropolis has launched a project aimed at recovering the heat produced by the Kehl steelworks in order to provide energy for 4,000 households in Strasbourg within two years. This innovative project is a first in Europe at the cross-border level.

  • The Moselle wishes to become a "Eurodepartment"


    The Moselle wishes to become a "Eurodepartment"

    June 2019

    On 9 May 2019, Europe Day, the Moselle Department asked for an expansion of its competences on account of its specific location within the territory of the Greater Region, in order to foster closer links, greater effectiveness and simplified partnerships with its European neighbours.

  • Editorial by Edouard Jacque, President of Grand Est Cross-Border Workers; Regional Councillor, Grand Est Region


    Editorial by Edouard Jacque, President of Grand Est Cross-Border Workers; Regional Councillor, Grand Est Region

    May 2019

    The only border that exists in the Grand Est is that which we have “in our hearts”. It is part of our emotional relationship to our history, now turned towards the future, in which on a daily basis we shape a territory that is open in all directions, open to the need to cultivate our differences as they are an asset, and open to cooperation in all areas: be it providing responses to the challenges of AI, research programmes or university projects; or be it encouraging young people to become multilingual, bringing a railway line back to life, building a cycle path or developing an area of countryside working together in a network – because it’s above all a story of human beings.

  • A Territorial Development Plan for the Greater Region


    A Territorial Development Plan for the Greater Region

    May 2019

    Within the framework of the Interreg “Greater Region Territorial Development Plan” project, the Greater Region Executives Summit have laid the political groundwork for the drawing-up of a common cross-border territorial strategy for the Greater Region partners.

  • Strasbourg: Survey on well-being across the cross-border area


    Strasbourg: Survey on well-being across the cross-border area

    May 2019

    The Strasbourg Eurometropolis’s Development Council has conducted a survey of citizens on well-being across the whole of the cross-border metropolis. The survey is entitled “How are you?”.

  • "L'Europe par les territoires", a publication by the FNAU – focus on the cross-border dimension


    "L'Europe par les territoires", a publication by the FNAU – focus on the cross-border dimension

    May 2019

    The latest publication by the French Network of Urban Planning Agencies (FNAU), entitled "L'Europe par les territoires" (“Europe by its territories”) feeds into the debate about Europe and provides different views on the issues relating to cohesion policy and the way in which cities and territories have appropriated the European ideal and the tools of this policy. The MOT contributed to it and several cross-border territories are showcased in it.

  • MOT article on cross-border public services


    MOT article on cross-border public services

    May 2019

    The magazine "Intercommunalités" of the Assemblée des Communautés de France (AdCF – Assembly of France’s Communities) has published in its issue 238 an article written by the MOT: "Concevoir les services publics transfrontaliers" ("Designing cross-border public services").

  • The Alsatian departments launch their "OR Strategy - Oberrhein / Rhin Supérieur"


    The Alsatian departments launch their "OR Strategy - Oberrhein / Rhin Supérieur"

    April 2019

    The two departments, which will soon be grouped together as the European territorial authority of Alsace, wish to step up cross-border cooperation with their German and Swiss neighbours straightaway. The "OR Strategy – Oberrhein/Rhin supérieur" that they have just presented formalises these reflections and expert assessments.

  • Mobility Portal in the PAMINA area


    Mobility Portal in the PAMINA area

    April 2019

    The PAMINA Eurodistrict and the Karlsruhe TechnologieRegion have inaugurated a new web portal dedicated to cross-border mobility. With 300,000 consultations a day, it is one of the main online journey planning services.

  • Border Studies, a joint study program between four universities of the Greater Region


    Border Studies, a joint study program between four universities of the Greater Region

    April 2018

    The Master in Border Studies is a two-year joint international study program, which addresses the complex economic, political, social and cultural issues of borders and of border regions in Europe and beyond. The Master provides students with the major concepts and analytical tools to understand the various challenges of border regions and cross-border cooperations.