"Greater Geneva in all its forms"
June 2018Monograph edited by Vincent Mottet, Preface by Jean Denais. Editions Slatkine, March 2018. Price: SFR 27.30. Published in French only - Original title: "Le Grand Genève dans tous ses Etats".
Monograph edited by Vincent Mottet, Preface by Jean Denais. Editions Slatkine, March 2018. Price: SFR 27.30. Published in French only - Original title: "Le Grand Genève dans tous ses Etats".
The General Council on the Environment and Sustainable Development, which is responsible for advising the government in the different fields of competence of the French Ministry for Ecological Transition, has devoted a special edition of its magazine "Pour mémoire" to cross-border issues in the areas of transport, the environment and energy.
To mark its 20th anniversary, the MOT produced a map of European cross-border territories. Now, on the occasion of its 21st General Assembly, it is publishing – and has had printed in the form of a large poster – a map showing the cross-border territories along France's borders.
In 2016, a wide-ranging opinion poll by HES-SO* Geneva investigated the habits and feeling of belonging to the cross-border territory of the population of Greater Geneva. In 2018, a team made up of three professors conducted the survey again, this time focusing particularly on the issue of mobility.
"They are French and live in France, but work on the other side of the border, in Italy, Switzerland or Germany. They are known as the 'transfrontaliers' [cross-border workers]… There are 500,000 of them – the highest number in Europe. But is there an entente cordiale between these French people and their neighbours?"
The new French regions have to draw up a "Schéma régional d’aménagement, de développement durable et d’égalité des territoires" (SRADDET – Regional Spatial Planning, Sustainable Development and Territorial Equality Plan). In order to set out a unifying political project for its territory, the Grand Est Region has chosen to place the cross-border dimension at the heart of its actions and to involve its cross-border partners in drawing it up.
The 2018 edition of the European Conference on the Energy Transition took place on 30-31 January and 1 February in the territory of Greater Geneva, a cross-border first for this event that every year brings together more than 3,500 professionals in the areas of energy and sustainable development. The conference also provided the opportunity to sign a cross-border agreement on air quality in Greater Geneva.
"The regions and countries that border the Bourgogne-Franche-Comté Region are very attractive to its inhabitants, businesses and territorial authorities." The Bourgogne-Franche-Comté Regional Economic, Social and Environmental Council has attempted to understand the dynamics at work in the neighbouring territories and their impact on the region, in an 84-page document entitled "From good neighbourly relations to a development strategy".
The "Rencontres franco-suisses de l’économie et de l’innovation en Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes", an ‘economy and innovation fair’, was held for the first time in Lyon on 15 January 2018.
On 10 December 2017, the elected representatives of the Basel trinational conurbation had the pleasure of opening tram line 3 linking the centre of Basel-Stadt (CH) to the railway station of Saint-Louis (F). With this tram line it is now possible to travel from Saint-Louis station to Basel city centre in under 15 minutes.
The Regional Economic, Social and Environmental Council (Ceser) of the Grand Est region has published a study looking at the reduction of cross-border obstacles in the Grand Est region.
The Cross-Border Jura Arc Forum celebrated the 10th anniversary of its creation on Saturday 21 October 2017 at the town hall of Le Russey in the Haut-Doubs Department.
Following the signing on 27 September 2016 of the framework agreement on cross-border health cooperation between France and Switzerland, the first morning of reflection organised by the Trans-Jura Conference, which brought together elected officials and cross-border health cooperation stakeholders, aimed to take stock of existing cross-border cooperation in the field of health and to determine the desired areas for future cooperation.
On 19 June 2017, new conventions were signed between the President of the Council of State of the Republic and Canton of Geneva, François Longchamp, and the President of the Agglomeration community of Annemasse ,Christian Dupessey, enabling the Swiss Confederation’s participation in the financing of 3 Greater Geneva flagship projects, at a level of 26 million euros.
Every year, the MOT publishes a dossier highlighting exemplary cross-border projects along French borders.
Within the context of the regional accord for the application of the Espoo Convention (1991) in a tri-national framework, the French-German-Swiss Upper Rhine Conference has published a guide to procedures for cross-border consultations concerning projects, plans and programmes with significant impact on the environment.
In order to increase its influence in the development of the Greater Geneva cross-border territory, on 1 May 2017 the French Geneva Region Cooperation Assembly (ARC), the French side of the Local Grouping of Cross-Border Cooperation, became the French Geneva Area Pôle Metropolitain.
At the request of the CGET,* the MOT has conducted a study on the cross-border issues in mountain areas, which cover nearly 42% of mainland France's borders.
The 2017 edition of the cross-border workers fair, organised by the European Cross-Border Grouping in Annemasse, attracted nearly 2000 visitors.
Helping entrepreneurs located on either side of the border to create new digital services thanks to geodata on Greater Geneva – this is the aim of the Interreg project "Geofab Greater Geneva" launched on 4 April 2017.*
Income from household wealth (capital gains on property, real estate income, etc.) received in France is subject to social security deductions. However, the European Court of Justice confirmed in 2015 that people who are affiliated to the social security system of another country should not be taxed to fund the French social security system.
Jointly organised by the Committee of the Regions and the MOT, this conference brought together more than 60 participants, on 3 February in Brussels. Its objective was to present best practice in the area of risk prevention and crisis management in cross-border zones: forest fires (ES-PT), flooding in the Nisa Euroregion (DE-CZ-PL), seismic risks in the Alps (FR-IT-CH), risks in mountainous regions (FR-ES) and more generally, civil protection (EGTC Euregio Senza Confini IT-AT).
Michel Charrat, the President of the European Cross-Border Grouping and Treasurer of the MOT, gives us his analysis of the implementation of the vote in February 2014 in Switzerland, which was aimed at restricting the number of foreign workers.
At a meeting in Belfort on 1 December 2016, a framework agreement bringing together seven universities in the Franco-Swiss Jura Arc was signed, putting in place a "Community of Knowledge".
Nearly 200 people gathered on 8 December 2016 in Geneva for the signature of the "Greater Geneva Territorial Project 2016-2030", a third generation conurbation project: "We want to move from a financial rationale to a common political vision. We want to make Greater Geneva a collective, shared project that is led by the territory's citizens and stakeholders. We want to work towards the concrete and effective realisation of projects."